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Adding locked doors and roofs to training areas - Accepted


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What are you suggesting? -  Adding locked doors to training areas 

How would this change better the server? -  It would be able to stop trainees from being able to just minge around and annoy people and sometimes they are able to leave bunks when a person opens a door outside of bunks and they can leave and just b annoying and could ruin the fun of other people are having outside or inside of bunks where they can just get out and roam around and several times I have seen a trainee get to armory but they are shot before able to get any weapons but some probably have and killed a lot of people to ruin their gaming experience for the day plus in the research bunks people can get on the shelves and get out and we should have a roof to prevent this or removing the shelves and putting something else for people to not be able to climb out and minge around or be racist to everyone in or out of bunks.

Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Absolutely not 

Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone that doesn't have a door to stop trainees from leaving.

Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - 

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+/- Support.

Adding a door into Research bunks isn't possible currently due to the map needing a update, BUT having a roof over the training area seems pretty do-able. I would +1 having a training room be put in for Research next map update though.



 Former D5 VCMDR Travar | Former Event Team Leader ||  Former Admin || Former Nu7 HSU Commissar Requiem || Former RRH 

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10 hours ago, Travar said:

+/- Support.

Adding a door into Research bunks isn't possible currently due to the map needing a update, BUT having a roof over the training area seems pretty do-able. I would +1 having a training room be put in for Research next map update though.



Yeah I think research is the only branch who doesn't have a training room that's locked/has a door

Imperial RP] Ex-Gamemaster| Ex-Starfighter Corps. Officer| Ex-Onyx Squad Officer| Ex-Inferno Squad Squadron Leader| Ex-Shadow Guard Officer VII| INO Chad. 
Retired-Nu7 1st Lieutenant| Ex-GENSEC Master Sergeant and Junior Warden| Retired-Chaos Insurgency 1st Lieutenant| Zeta-19| Epic Payday Gang(2nd ever)| Ex-A1 Guardian| Ex-Event Team Member.
"You are a quarter of a million strong, and you shoot well, but what if I showed of with 500,000 men? What would you do?" -Kaiser Wilhelm II "We would shoot twice, and we'd go home" -Swiss Militiaman

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Minging trainees are almost a problem in any branch, please add the roof on-top of the training area so research doesn't suffer as-well.

Edited by 𝓜8𝓥𝓟

 Retired CI LTCMDR | Proud Enuzer | Roblox Pro

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