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Dimitrij's Security Officer Application


Should I be the Security Officer?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I be the Security Officer?

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In-Game Name: Dimitrij / DF6

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114478871

Naval Rank: Midshipman

What speciality are you applying for?: Security Officer

What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax






What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?


Being responsible for two branches means quite a lot of work, although the main goal is to ensure an easy co-operation between myself and the people leading said branches. I imagine that the Security Officer role relies heavily on communication between members of the battalions I'm overseeing and their respective commanders and officers. Improvement comes from productive co-operations and providing innovative ideas on how the battalions such function, but that doesn't necessairly mean that there is a need for heavy changes because if something functions correctly, it shouldn't be touched. Now, my main role would be finding anything that needs an improvement by looking for it myself or discussing it with the members of the regiment.

Now, Shock from time to time tends to be less active when they are needed. They also become hyper active so there is no stable playercount in that regiment. I remember my time being an NCO in Shock and I noticed couple of issues with Training doc, activity of COs and a mild unorganization that some people pointed out before me, this is exactly what I would work on to fix. Sitting down with the members of the battalion and talking about the changes that should be implemented and then giving the final reform draft to the man in charge (currently Marv) is what would happen if I were to receive the Rank.

I also have experience with Death Troopers since I'm an NCO there as well. I know how they function and how they are supposed to function, hence I know what should be changed, what needs improving and what should be added or removed. Now, the current problem would be a tryout document that could be revised, lack of anything to do while there is no VIPs and people getting bored quickly whenever they join. Also, the lack of enlisted because of the pass/fail ratio DT is famous for calls for more tryouts per day so people can learn from their mistakes and eventually get the tryout right. Now, in DT, there is little oversight over the troopers since they know what to do and when to do it. DT is organized in terms of documents and information, although it definitely needs some kick provided by often SIMs and missions while also making them look appealing for people to go ahead and try to get in because new cadets is what DT needs the most.




Why do you want this rank?


My first two battalions were quite literally DT and Shock. I know them, I like them, I want to help them however I can. Shock and Navy have a crucial job of keeping the ship under control as they are the people that often deal with minging before staff gets involved. The activity on that part needs to be high because of that, else the server can get overrun. DTs need more numbers as well, they are an elite and should be dealt with as such, although most of the people in DT already managed to reach the NCO rank before any cadet got recruited so the most common problem I've been seeing was enlisted>nco>co ratio.

I don't apply for the Rank, I apply for the Role.



Why should you be trusted with this rank?


Currently I have some good hours on my belt with the server so I know how things are being ran. I recently became a staff member (GM) which puts me in a position of being trusted with commands that (if given to the wrong hands) could do serious damage. But commands have nothing to do with it as SO and GM are both differen things requiring different sets of minds. While both require being creative, SO needs competent people that know what they are doing. Wrong man in the position such as this can cause a lot of problems. Now, I have no documented warns nor any bans on my account and I consider myself able to be mature and serious when situation requires it. I also don't minge nor I'm not hostile towards anyone. I keep my head cool and try to stay open-minded no matter how much one side can annoy me.

This job is about being able to listen to people while also maintaining professionalism and cool whenever dealing with issues. It's what I've been doing for a long time and I think it will suit me perfectly.

There is also another thing that is important about the SO. People will come to you with questions you need to answer correctly. They will come to you with situations and problems they expect you to have expertise in and handle them properly. When something happens while you were overseeing stuff, you are the first one to blame. Such things put pressure on a single person and unless they know what they are doing, they break and do mistakes. Experience is what matters and I can gladly claim that I have some experience with me. I'm not saying that I'm the guru that knows everything, but I know what situations DT and Shock deal with daily and I know how to handle them; I've been trained for it before and I haven't forgotten.



Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I do.




What is your purpose within your assigned branch?


My purpose is plain and clear - I'm here to improve and help out the battalions however I can. I'm not here to force my will down on the people leading the regiments, I'm here to give them advices and work with them so we can together improve the state of things greatly. Providing ideas, making sure people behave as they are supposed to, host tryouts to recruit fresh blood, working with the COs and people leading the branches on things that could improve them and also gathering feedback from the members of the branches I work with to utilize it in ideas that may help the regiment grow stronger. 

Edited by Manio
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I fully agree with what adam said.


+Good naval

+Well deserves the rank

+good and detailed application

Would like to see how you work with Shock and DT!

[{ImperialRP[Ex ISB-021 Agent Kallus not Ostrich}]

Imperial Navy Vice Admiral not Ostrich


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On 3/6/2021 at 4:52 AM, Adam. said:


- Very active.

- Dedicated to Naval.

- Great & well thought-out application.

- Nice & friendly guy.

Overall, I think you would make A great SO. Good Luck!


| Medical NCO |

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On 3/6/2021 at 3:52 AM, not Jeff said:


I fully agree with what adam said.


+Good naval

+Well deserves the rank

+good and detailed application

Would like to see how you work with Shock and DT!

+ Good and Detailed Application
+ My Biggest issues with some applications is the absence of DT being mentioned. This application however mentions DT and Shock and your goals and plans for them

Good Luck!


Former: Shock STF CSM Busch 2815, SD Vice Admiral Busch
SSO Commodore Busch

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Please speak to your Security Director (Busch) for further instructions and whitelist.

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𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐑𝐏 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦 


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