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Warn Appeal for warn false warn- Accepted


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AdminName - Requis


Your In-game:Beans

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:427286107


The admin's name in-game: requis


The admin's steam name (If you know it):?


What warning did you receive:rdmx2/copbait


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):in picture


Why do you think this warn was false: i talked to a jmt member about it he said this was a false warn the admin was told after it was a flase warn 


Any extra information:


Beans UMC LVL 8 

Season 3 Trailer GIF by NETFLIX

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I was wrong at the time and believed it was cop bait but after reading closer I realized it was false for copbait. The entire warn is Copbait|Rdm x2 the rdm is valid but not the copbait 

sorry if that is worded horribly 

UMC Paramilitary FBI Deputy Assistant Director FBI HRT SGT Moderator 

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