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Ban request- Accepted


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Your in game name: Vice

Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:111395341

The player's in game name: Shoot me in the fucking brain 

The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:47614645

What did the player do: Gun Dealer's Mass RDM'd in spawn

Evidence (required):https://gyazo.com/6378bcc58b1533593e130021939797be




What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week long ban or more 

Any extra information: i pre banned the person to get rid of them this is more of an extension 

Edited by Vice

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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14 hours ago, Niko Bellic said:

+ Support

-Clear Evidence of Mass RDM


〖   ImperialRP  〗
{ Ex. Battalions } Ex. Purge Vice Commander |Ex. Naval SSO LT
{ Staff } Ex. PRP Admin | Ex. IMRP Senior Moderator | Ex. PRP Event Team Member

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On 1/23/2021 at 12:30 AM, Earl Scruggs said:


Clear evidence


PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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