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Smith's 48 hour notice

Director Smith

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I suppose I should have done this sooner but things in my life had gotten hella hectic and I intended to do this in October but then  I was in the ER 5 separate times once by ambulance because my throat swelled shut. On November 4th I had surgery on my throat and a few days after that I had a severe hemorrhage and had to be rushed to the ER and into emergency surgery immediately after that one i had another severe hemorrhage and was rushed back into surgery once that was fixed I had to stay the night at the hospital. On top of all this I had 5 classes I had to stay on top of. I was off work for 20 days most of which I was too incapacitated to get on the server. Then the bills came it all totalled to about 7 to 8 thousand dollars in medical bills and I didn't receive a paycheck for the entirety of Nov. So I picked up shifts as much as I could working 72 hours a week with 1 day off and thats when I did my homework for the week. Early December I make multiple trips to Springfield for an upper extremities specialist for a workers comp injury and found out that I'm going to need surgery on my wrist. Mid December I have been working 72 hours in a week from the 27th of November to the 20th of December. I was then sent to Mexico Missouri for 2 weeks to work 12 hour shifts like I had been for the previous month. I didn't get to see my  entire family or anyone for that matter for Christmas or new years. While I'm gone my sister who is a CNA got COVID and it spread to my mom and dad. So when I got back yesterday I've had to stay at a friend's where I can't really get on the video game. Like I had said things got crazy and everything just went on the back burner, for that I apologize to command. I definitely enjoyed my time in SWAT and hopefully when life calms down I can join back

Smith || SCU Commander || EMS Paramedic

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