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Ban Appeal - Burgeeco97- Denied


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Steam Name: Burgeeco97

Ingame Name: red senile old man

SteamID:ย STEAM_1:1:120687430

Ban Length: 7 days

Admin that Banned you: SM Rookieblue 1A56

Reason for Ban: 20 warning threshold

Dispute: This is the first warn I've had in over a year, 90%ย of my warns being in 2017-2018 and being inactive for over a year. It was a warn for failbasing that put me over since it wasn't wide enough, and I don't think it is fair that one warn in over a year has gotten me banned for a week. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I don't think I behave badly on the server. I would understand a week ban if I had many active warnings or if most of my active warnings were recent, but since they are from such a long time ago, I don't think I deserve a week ban for one warn putting me over theย threshold. I play on this server a lot and I really like it so I don't want to have a ban on my record. I'll make changes to the base and remember to read the basing MOTD rules before basing next time so this does not happen again.

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