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Another one of Twix's LOAs

Right Twix Bar

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Name: Twix

Rank: HOMS, MA(?), Sec SGT

Duration: 12/27 - 1/2

Reason: First, I'm getting a bit burned out and need time to do other stuff. Second, my brother, who lives out of my state, is spending some time here and I want to spend some of it with him. Finally, my family is going camping on the ~29th, where I will have little to no internet access.

I will still try to update the roster and do my other duties before I go, but I can't promise I can do them while camping.

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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