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Apprentice A Dboi


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Player Report "A DBoi"


Your in game name: Security DHFTO 1LT Hiroshima

Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67919358

The player's in game name: A Dboi

The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:1:534099328

Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 1:05 PM 12/6/20

What did the player do: He went onto the Apprentice job and went into D Block. He did not get premission to go into D Block so I told him to get out multiple times. He willing disobeyed orders multiple times to leave D Block. I cuff him to bring him to Ultilty Command and he was trying to break out of cuffs. After some time, he came back into D Block when I told him to get out mutiple times before and he tried to RDM me. He was running  to not get arrested and was basically minging all around 

Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/38188786/d1337nHBVPZS 


What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe he should be blacklist from all of the foundation branches 

Any extra information: He has a total of 31 warns across all servers and 12 of them are from SCP. He has received 5 bans in the past and 1 of them was from SCP. He also got staff demoted multiple times off of the apprentice job 

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Yeah, I am not gonna tolerate that kind of behavior. Player has been given a blacklist from Apprentice and a 1 Month DNT from Maintenance. Don't be afraid to contact Maintenance command directly (through PMs or TS) if such things happen in the future.

The other offenses that may warrant further action is ARDM and FailRP hence my +Support for a server warn

EDIT: Already received warnings for the offenses so this is handled. https://prnt.sc/vx2qa3

Edited by Sparkle
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