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Twix's Test Log

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The Greatest Cure: Test Log

This is the most extensive log I have made so far. I'd honestly classify it more as a story.

Also, Rock, you can grade this.

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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Unofficial Grading System

Overall Grades

Creativity 23/25 - Great idea, Please do more logs

Usefulness 24/25 - A way to basically cancel death is amazingly usefull

Writing 25/25 - Great idea and storytelling

Presentation 10/10 - Great layout, everything is in order and wonderfully presented

Realism: 15/15 - Seems in line with lore


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