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Blast Staff Report- Denied


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1. Your In-game:

ST PFC Kendrick 0346

2. Your SteamID:


3. The admin's name in-game:

I am not sure it is incredibly long, I don't mean to be lazy here but he is in shock and his name is Blast

4. The admin's steam name (If you know it):

I apologize that I don't know this

5. What did the admin do:

I want to preface here I am not looking for a punishment here. I am not looking for anything other than someone saying they will look into it. I am beginning to feel targeted on this server and I don't want to spend the majority of my time on a server in jail when I was truthfully attempting to follow the rules. I also hope that you will listen to my side of this story. The multiple times I have brought it up, Blast has come to try and make out what happened into something it wasn't. Just please read both sides before counting me out. This started during an event where we were on a new map called the lunar base. It is new and this is needed for the story because I have absolutely no idea where I am allowed or not. There are no signs or anything. During the part of the event where the spiders came and we were told to shoot them, I was dying a lot. You know how it is as an ST your gun has bullets equivalent to a nerf gun and if your in the middle of the fight lightsabers turn out to be your bigger enemy. I decided I wanted some high ground so the bugs couldn't get me. I knew I wasn't allowed atop the wall directly facing the outside, because a shock had told me that, but people and ST's had been running along the inner walls and people had told me I was fine as long as I didn't leave the base. I decided on a spot below the shock on a wall where I would sit half way up the ladder and fire from there. I figured I wasn't atop any of the walls so I should be all clear and in the clear rules wise. I was really trying to be cautious of getting in more trouble as I got in some earlier for being confused which I will talk about later. Anyways, I am shooting away and don't notice some shock are trying to climb the ladder, and Blast is one of them. He yells at me to get off and as soon as I hear him I jump out of the way of the shock. I feel kind of stupid for a moment for not realizing that I was in there way, so I look for a way to keep with my strategy and fix it. I climb the ladder again making sure I am as far to the side of the ladder as I can and aim my camera down to make sure I can see shock when they are coming. Blast then yells at me again to get off the latter or he will arrest me. I awkwardly stumble off the ladder say sorry and run away now knowing I am just not allowed on the ladder period. I decide to go and climb up on another section of the wall where others are and figure that that place must be accessible and so I can stick to shooting the bugs on the ground from afar. I am greeted by people as I pass them and so I assume all is right and I hunker down and get ready for the next wave. Almost immediately I see blast catch my eye and start sprinting towards me. Idk if he is coming over to tell me to scoot back farther along the wall or what so I just patiently wait for him. He even falls off the wall as he comes to me and I still don't run or sprint away because I don't know I am not supposed to be up there. Like I said I keep getting sent mixed messages here. When he gets to me, he immediately starts yelling at me about being up on the wall. I try and ask why I can't be on the wall and he brushes me off throwing out warnings faster than I can even respond. Afraid of being arrested and just trying to understand, I ask him and I quote "Can I get off the wall and talk about this with you because I don't know the rules?" He brushes me off and says no you can get off the wall and I can stay up here and we can talk. I already know from the draw distance you can't talk that far away, I could only hear my friend Iced when I was on the ladder if he scooted as close as he could. I ask about this but before I can even ask my question he arrests me. The whole conversation lasted at most fifteen seconds, I would say less. Here is the problem I have here. I wasn't minging around. I wasn't failing to RP I wasn't player dissing I was confused. I was desperately trying to understand the rules so I could follow them, but I was refused help to understand. Blast will tell you he was trying to explain, but he wasn't trying to explain he was trying to brush me off. I write this because a staff member shouldn't be treating a player who is actively trying to take part in your server like this. I was confused and am still confused. If someone wants to explain the boundaries of that map to me still I WOULD LOVE THAT! Like seriously if someone can bless your soul. I just don't think anyone could because I think there was a lot of misconception there. So I called a report just to get myself out of jail and figure things out, and not only does Blast come in to be un helpful, he just down right lies. First he says he told me to get off the ladder ten times. That simply isn't true. Then he said really? let's get Iced over here because even he was telling you to get off the ladder. Idk what his intentions here were because from my perspective only he even said anything about the ladder and since we have a past, I wouldn't be surprised if he was just choosing a high rank officer to back whatever his story was up. If that was the case, he chose the wrong guy because Iced and I go back far and he simply told the truth and said I heard you tell him to once or twice but I never told him to get off. Blast then told the administrator (Bones at the time) that he gave me at least thirty seconds to get off the wall and counted what he said was the time between his warnings. This just isn't true but I don't have vide so I can't argue with him there. Blast got sent away at that point and I was honestly just so done. I wasn't as much angry as I was frustrated at the fact that for once I came onto this server looking to follow the rules and even then I got picked out of a crowd and when I asked for help I got the cold shoulder. And this isn't the first time either. Blast constantly holds his seniority over my head in passing. After my last problems with him I saw him a day later and he approached me just to tell me how wrong I was. At the end he did say let's just have a new day, but he was snooty when he approached me and personally when I saw him, I was wanting to just leave it alone and act like it didn't happen. He had that same obnoxious tone when he suggested me jumping off the wall and him holding his high ground to "talk" to me even though you can't talk from that distance. He was just bent on not communicating, not helping, and just causing me as much anguish as he could. He took any opportunity he could to get at me to the point where he spotted me across a battlefield and ran to me for an arrest that I am not even positive was correct or not because I had no staff willing to help me accept Bones. This is where I want to give your staff member Bones a huge shout out. He has been the most understanding and fantastic staff member I have met on this server and honestly he deserves an extreme amount of recognition. He could tell I was genuinely upset with the situation and the fact that no one was helping me and helped me install a screen recorder so that next time if this happens I can make a report that could have consequences. Thank you Bones for going above and beyond. I also want to mention here that I am asking not for punishment of any admin or player here, but only for someone to look into talking to Blast about explaining how this server works to new players. Later on in this session when I had to show up late for the debrief of the event I missed while in jail, Iced brought up a point that there were no signs on this new map telling people where to go. He was given the could shoulder by the woman taking the suggestions because there have been technical difficulties with signs. I decided to get in line and talk about my experience with another admin  (which I will get to in a second) who wasn't Blast to respectfully bring up the fact that some people have no idea where to go. I did this again without saying Blasts name nor detailing the fact that anything happened with him, and instead of letting me make my suggestion, he stepped in and started trying to high jack what I was saying. He completely disrespected the PTS that was active as I waited in line to share and because of this I was brought back to my line with the woman in charge saying "It seems you need to sort this out later." That just completely is not okay I chose the most respectful and calm way of trying to suggest something to the server and again I was singled out by staff member Blast as he chose to completely shut me down and no one cared. The instance I was speaking of in my statement was about staff member Blizzard. He arrested me for being outside the walls of the compound which I had no idea was a rule. This was because I saw so many people outside the compound, and even an admin saw me outside the compound and talked to me and didn't mention it. So I messaged Blizzard just to ask if I shouldn't be out there because I was confused and he didn't respond. I sent more messages saying I didn't want to waste anybody's time staff wise bnecause I was sure I was in the wrong I just wanted to know for the future. After sending message upon message he just told me to stop pm him. That is what I brought up in the meeting yet Blast came in trying to shut me down for our argument which was completely uncalled for. I am not trying to staff disrespect here I don't feel I have Iand if I have in this message I apologize I am just trying to let the gaming light staff know that as a new player to G Mod, the harshness and cold interactions I have had with staff recently has really made the server difficult to understand and at  times down right unbearable. I hope someone below will just look into this.

6. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):

Besides my story I don't have recordings. Next time I will show up with them. I know that is a direct -Support and I am fine with that like I said I don't want anyone to get in trouble as that would be unfounded, I would just like someone who can to maybe go over issues like this with the whole team whether you believe they are happening or not.

7. What do you believe should happen to the admin:

I just hope we can end this and I can stop getting repeatedly tormented by Blast whether it is intentional or not. Honestly if I could just have another admin join in on any discussions we have to face in the future who is as calm and awesome as Bones I would be happy

8. Any extra information:

I just hope you guys can give an extra pat on the back to Bones for going the extra mile. And I want to apologize for all my staff disrespect in the past. Bones has shown me there are good staff here and a good community, I just have to look and try to be a part of it. Whether you think I am sincere or not, I hope this just tells you that I am not trying to just talk out my ass here I really do apologize and appreciate you guys. Even a guy who I have had problems with in the past General Stone surprised me today by really sitting down and talking with me about an arrest of mine I thought was unfounded. He calmed me down and I appreciate that. I just hope Blast can take an example from these two guys, and I really hope Stone and Bones see this to know I thank you both for dealing with my issues today.

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Shoot me a PM when you're online next i'd be more then happy to answer any of your questions or concerns! Sorry you're having issues on the server, I understand it can be tough for new players, especially when we have a new map with new areas that can be confusing. I hope you have a more enjoyable experience when you decide to hop on the server next. (also if you feel that lower staff members are treating you unfairly you always have the option of requesting a supervisor such as an admin/senior admin)

  • Gaminglight Love 1

            R Imperial RP General =-= Retired GM-SNR Admin =-= Staff of the month Oct. 2020

                              Shock VCMDR/CMDR  |  January 23 - August 29th 

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If you ever are confused on anything or have a question about anything, just come to me in game/discord/Teamspeak, I know today was a little hectic, the gm team wanted to try something new and I get that, so I understand the stress/confusion you were under when Emma made that staff sit, You were disrespectful to me but I take no offense to that as this “experience “ was new for everyone. For what blast did I do not approve of that, Once again if you would like to talk about what happen or just have any questions in general, don’t be afraid to come talk to me or any of our other great staff members.

Thank you and Have a Great Day.

  • Gaminglight Love 1
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5 minutes ago, [GL]Brendan said:

If you ever are confused on anything or have a question about anything, just come to me in game/discord/Teamspeak, I know today was a little hectic, the gm team wanted to try something new and I get that, so I understand the stress/confusion you were under when Emma made that staff sit, You were disrespectful to me but I take no offense to that as this “experience “ was new for everyone. For what blast did I do not approve of that, Once again if you would like to talk about what happen or just have any questions in general, don’t be afraid to come talk to me or any of our other great staff members.

Thank you and Have a Great Day.

Yes that was at the very beginning when I logged on and I was very confused which is why I was disrespectful that was my bad and you handled that incredibly well I appreciate your patients with me I will definately hop in the team speak or discord I didn't even think of that thanks and thank you too again stone man.

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8 hours ago, Stone Man said:

Shoot me a PM when you're online next i'd be more then happy to answer any of your questions or concerns! Sorry you're having issues on the server, I understand it can be tough for new players, especially when we have a new map with new areas that can be confusing. I hope you have a more enjoyable experience when you decide to hop on the server next. (also if you feel that lower staff members are treating you unfairly you always have the option of requesting a supervisor such as an admin/senior admin)

You can always speak with me too i would be more then happy to help you!

  • Gaminglight Love 1




Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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I'm not targeting you or anything I was just simply saying that you needed to get off the wall and ladder. With the ladder there was an issue that people were blocking it so we told them to get off, I told you a few times to get off the ladder and you did after being asked a few times, Then you went on the wall, I had asked you to get down and you said "well other people are up here" and I responded by saying well they have clearance and are allowed up there, I kept telling you to get off the wall, eventually it got to a point where I just warned you 3 times 5 seconds apart and since you didn't get down I arrested you.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former ImperialRP Shock VCMDR/COL | Former ImperialRP Senior Moderator | Banned by Luci

SCP-RP SEC CPL | Former MilitaryRP Spetsnaz 2LT

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4 hours ago, Lukewarm Pizza said:

I'm not targeting you or anything I was just simply saying that you needed to get off the wall and ladder. With the ladder there was an issue that people were blocking it so we told them to get off, I told you a few times to get off the ladder and you did after being asked a few times, Then you went on the wall, I had asked you to get down and you said "well other people are up here" and I responded by saying well they have clearance and are allowed up there, I kept telling you to get off the wall, eventually it got to a point where I just warned you 3 times 5 seconds apart and since you didn't get down I arrested you.

And I would say that is a pretty acurate depiction of what happened. But all I'm saying is that I wasn't just saying no I'm gonna stay up here because other people are up here I was just asking for you to explain to me which people had access and why because I was getting mixed messages. I even offered to leave the wall to talk to you but like I said we can't hear each other if I'm off the wall and your on it. I am not asking for you to not arrest people obviously I was probably in the wrong spot but arresting me and not explaining what's going on as a staff member just seemed toxic that's all. Explaining things changes how I act next time and let's me know why I can't be up there but every other class can or whoever can be up there idek at this point. It was a completely new map I am not even sure if everyone was on the same page which I totally understand if that was part of the issue to. Not here to argue just for a suggestion and I feel it has been taken care of so I hope you know I'm not trying to bad mouth you or get anyone in trouble it's not like I recorded it either way. Just looking to learn personally as well.

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On 11/16/2020 at 4:36 AM, Stone Man said:

Shoot me a PM when you're online next i'd be more then happy to answer any of your questions or concerns! Sorry you're having issues on the server, I understand it can be tough for new players, especially when we have a new map with new areas that can be confusing. I hope you have a more enjoyable experience when you decide to hop on the server next. (also if you feel that lower staff members are treating you unfairly you always have the option of requesting a supervisor such as an admin/senior admin)

My DM's are always open, I had a rough start just like you and I've worked from that. Feel free to message me whenever! ❤️

  • Gaminglight Love 1

𝑅𝑒𝓉𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝒮𝒞𝒫-𝑅𝒫 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒯𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝐿𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝐼𝓂𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒶𝓁-𝑅𝒫 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 / 𝟤𝟫𝓉𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝑀𝒶𝓎 - 𝟨𝓉𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝒜𝓊𝑔𝓊𝓈𝓉
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𝐸𝓍-𝒵𝑒𝓊𝓈 𝒢𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓊𝓅𝑒𝓇𝒶𝒹𝓂𝒾𝓃 / 𝑅𝑒𝓉𝒾𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝑜𝓈 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑔𝑒𝓃𝒸𝓎 𝒞𝑜𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓁

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