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035 swep - Closed


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Hello so i noticed that there is a huge problem with 035 swep 85% of the time the hit doesn't register unless the other person is standing still whats even worse is that when it doesn't register guess what happens?  cooldown applies m resulting in death in most cases  please remove the cooldown on the swep and give us a number we can use it again if we don't follow it please ban us perm + failrp same rule as 106 you can only use your swep once every *Whatever time is best* otherwise its failrp please if you can't fix the swep please remove the cooldown so i can actually kill someone 

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2 hours ago, [GL] Mike said:

Thats just hit registration can't do much about that.

Yeah exactly thats why i really want them to remove the cooldown and give us a time we cant use it for to fix this issue just state in the MOTD that you have to wait 60 seconds before using your swep again otherwise its considered failrp same as 106

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3 hours ago, Tweety said:

Yeah exactly thats why i really want them to remove the cooldown and give us a time we cant use it for to fix this issue just state in the MOTD that you have to wait 60 seconds before using your swep again otherwise its considered failrp same as 106

That would be a suggestion then not a bug report



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  • 2 weeks later...

Noted! We have reviewed this issue with our servers and we will be working hard to fix it ASAP! Please allow up to a week for any bug fixes to occur as we go on a first come first serve basis. Thank you!

"A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt."


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