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My story of gaming light, the full story


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This is a post I’ve decided to make for a couple reasons so people can know some cool stuff about me and maybe even clear anything up about my past with this community as it is very weird confusing to some! You will have to bear with me this was a very very long time ago and a lot of it is hit and miss on dates:)

Mid 2015————I had just discovered that GMOD actually had a multiplayer mode seeing as I was probably the most ADHD child you met I never even bother to look at the full menu just hit start and move on. Most of my very first games were quite simple I can remember the first. It was a melon racing game god I feel old now lmao. Then it was military shooters and for a while alien stuff and then ALOT of prop hunt. Finally I come across a server section titled “SCHOOLRP” well I was very interested in it and didn’t even know what RP meant yet so it was a first. The first thing I noticed about the server was how CRAZY it was it was amazing from eating bouncy balls to gain massive amounts of health to being ra$ed in the bathroom by the janitor and the weird but funny map that was a “school” I fell in love so easily. I have very exact memories of the time I had on there like the huge hole in the roof where some people would play instruments under. Or the gym where shoot outs happened or just fights the point shop still happened back then too if I can remember there was tryouts. For staff which was actually the way I got in I can’t remember too much I think it may have been a quiz about the rules and some tasks but it’s mostly hard to remember actually I’m remembering so much while writing like the weird dark room under the map I would always go there to mess around with the other staff for the most part of staffing there was my favorite corner of the map I took players to to help them I never really remember doing much on the roof. Just outside the school where players couldn’t really go or just didn’t at that point I was very young and didn’t actually understand fully yet that gaming light had a forums so I never did join(if it even did). I remember making it to admin or senior admin one of the two very clearly because DoubleD had a argument with someone who reported me for abuse but after I proved my innocence I was moved up. For the most part DoubleD was a very nice guy always helping me along the way fixing my mistakes instead of discipline. The staff team overall was very close they were people I could rely on and we all got along very well, but I never did take it seriously if I’m going to be honest back then it was a lot different staff messed around a lot and for the most part I didn’t do much I don’t really think I deserved the rank I ended up with or why but at the end i don’t think it meant much lmao I just stayed when other staff left I loved the server to death and I’m sad to know it died out,  but I wanna thank all the people that played back then and gave me some pretty happy memories unfortunately I never did know the server shut down and just simply moved on to the next server under never to touch gaming light for another 4 years but I’m so happy I landed back here and I’m here for the long haul! I hope this can clear up the whole path I made I was a member of gaming light in 2015 BUT i just joined POLICERP in August and have loved everyday I wish to only earn more memories  by supporting and helping grow the community I really do love and I’ll never forget the past but I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me here in this great community:)!!!( oh and thank you for taking the time to read something so boring I know lmao)


Edited by Jager

|PD Captain|UMC LVL 2|Deputy Dispatch Director|

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