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SCP-008 Test | By Dr Dunkle


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Lore Name: Experienced Researcher Dunkle
Rank: ER
SCP: 008

Question / Idea: What untested substances can be potentially used to kill instances of SCP-008-2
Background Research: SCP-008 aka. The Zombie Plague.  One D-Class was taken to the medical wing for screening of any medical problems. Once we found a perfectly healthy D Class they were prepared for testing. Two RIG units were brought one for the transport of the D Class and the second for transporting the materials.
Hypothesis: If you use different types of flammable and corrosive substances then we can potentially kill small growths.

Observations (What Happened During Test): D-2398 (Now being named to  "23" for the duration of this test log.) was sent inside the CC of SCP-008 and was instructed to open the SCP's containment hatch. After aprox. 3.15 minutes 23 was turned fully into an instance of SCP-008-2, 23 were then terminated by RIG units. Bio units then came in to extract the SCP-008 growth' .  Then 3 different substances were used on 3 different samples of 008, First was Gasoline which was then set on fire. This resulted in a large bubble exploding within the sample spreading it across the room nether the less, once the sample was inspected after it was concluded that we had indeed weakened the sample which maybe become useful for developing a cure. Second sample, we place jaujfuagwfgafgyaghwufh uabhfauwhjfiwai hfa fhjaj f jafj a fa jfj aifj a wji jaf   and finally on the third we added hnaihjfia fhja hjfi aij fahj ifjia fj iijaf if jia

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Contract Dr. Dunkle for evidence.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Due to the high levels of heat as well as a more the heat being on all of the sample once it has exploded it killed a lot more of the virus.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes my hypothesis was correct

Edited by Dunkle

Current: Senior Admin | Forums Diplomat | Alpha-1 COL | Senior Event Team | Tea Enthusiast 

Former: Delta-5 LTCOL / HRO / G9 | O-1 LTCMDR


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