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SCP 1424 & SCP 049 Cross Testing

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Lore Name: Zack
Rank: AR
SCPs: 1424, 049.

Question / Idea: Do 1424 & 049 get along well
Background Research: SCP 1424 was given a hazmat suit fitted to his measurements. In addition, 049 was given a small bag of Dog Treats, as well as a squeaky toy.
Hypothesis: 049 will be passive and play with 1424

Observations (What Happened During Test): 1424 played a lot with 049, generally having a good time with him.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 1424 lied on 049s feet, as well as licking his robe. 049 gave 1424 an unknown piece of meat. 1048 proceeded to eat the meat. 1424 then proceeded to pick up a ball and play with 049. Test Concluded

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 1424 being a dog seems to enjoy spending time with the other SCPs. Further testing with more SCPs required.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes

Note: At the End of the Test, 049 gave a 15th century dog toy. Further Analysis of the toy is required.

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