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999-500 smoothie


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In-game Name:Tako

Idea: if I make a smoothie with a bit of 999 and 500 I can cure them and make them happy without having too make a pill and it will make more of 500
Basic Description of what you will do: I will turn 500 into a smoothie with 999 included as the milk and then feed it too a person with depression and gunshot wounds
Hypothesis: Yes 500 heals people and 999 helps with depression 

Observations (can be a video or audio): *Tako grabs scp-500 and scp-999 and puts them into a blender then adds a bit of milk* 

*Tako then blends it and grabs a gensec that has had gunshot wounds for class D and also has some serious depression*
*Tako then feeds the gensec the smoothie*
* The gensec explains how he feels better after drinking that smoothie and his gunshot wounds begin too heal*
Detailed description of what happened during the test: I gave a gensec a smoothie of 999 and 500 then his gunshot wounds healed and he felt better like happier

Conclusion: yes it does do the job of 500
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: yes my job was correct
What did you learn?:make 500 into smoothies so we can have more of it
How Can This Benefit Medical?: more of 500 too save patients

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Unofficial Grade 95/100

Creativity 25/25  Quite unique

Usefulness 25/25 Very useful

Writing 23/25 A few grammar mistakes

Presentation 7/10 A bit of color and a google doc would make this much better

Realism: 15/15 Realistic

Edited by Right Twix Bar

Current: None

Former: Security Sergeant Major (and SFC), Director of Logistics, Alpha-1 Private First Class, CI Mil Private First Class (and E4 C6), Nu7 Lance Corporal, CI RnD Supervisory Agent (and EOI F3) 

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