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Juice's T-MOD application.- Accepted

Turbo Juice

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Juice's T-MOD application.

What is your in-game name?: Juice

What is your steam name?: Turbo Juice

What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:180512047

Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I used to be a mod on an old server a couple of years ago, but  they stopped it and I have not been staff since.

What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I started playing in May 2020, can not remember exactly.

What date did you make your forums account? June 26th.

Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? User

How many warns do you have on the server? I have 5 warns, but they are from a long time ago and when I was an ST. All my time in shock and naval I have received 0 warns. I have matured since then.

Have you donated? No I have not

What rank are you applying for? T-MOD

Have you read the staff guidelines at 

You will be tested on it: Yes I have

Timezone: GMT, but om active all the time basically.

Permission (Admin+ need this):

Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I think I deserve this rank because I want to be able to help the community grow and be able to make sure all members have a great time. I find it quite unfair that people have to put up with minges and to new players who want to actually play its like their experience of GamingLight is ruined. And that's just not fair. I have also been on the server for quite a while and want to give back to the server the fun experiences I receive from it.  I know I have received a few warns but I was just being stupid and looking back at it I regret doing the mingy stuff I used to do. But, you could ask anyone in naval and they would most likely tell you I am way more serious. I am also very active, I am on everyday and will try my hardest to keep active. I don't know if this is long enough but I think having a shorter more concise passage is batter than rambling on about false statements.

How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Firstly, they mass RDMed which is a 5-day ban and a formal warning, and if they are swearing at me they obviously have no intention of reasoning. Therefore, I would tell them that they are getting a formal warning and a ban and I would call a higher ranking admin as T-MOD's cant ban and will get explain the situation and if they agree they will be banned immediately.


Thank you for taking the time to read 🙂

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