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SCP173 - Live camera test


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Lore Name: Walter Scott
Rank: Associate researcher
SCP: 173

Question / Idea: Would SCP-173 be able to move when observed thru live camera
Background Research: SCP173 is known to only move when unobserved
Hypothesis: I believe SCP 173 would be unable to move as long as a human watches the footage

Observations (What Happened During Test): I had tech install cameras intop 173's CC and linked the footage up to the office where i was watching the footage i also had a researcher positioned near SCP173 to confirm if he was moving or not. When i switched on the monitor i could see SCP 173 standing still and the other researcher confirmed he was standing still. When i turned off the live feed SCP173 started moving again according to my fellow researcher

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 173 cannot move when observed this is quite useful information i shall forward it to the director of containment to see if we could update the containment procedures to ensure the safety of the site as SCP 173 could be made unmovable this way
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was indeed

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Lore: 20/20 no issues here

Creativity: 15 /20 Not the most creative test

Presentation: 15 /20  Very basic document. nothing special

Writing: 40/40 No issues here.

TOTAL: 90/100

Grade: A -

Overall:  quality

Former DHOR Tomato

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