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TomiKes Gamemaster App- Accepted

TomiKes [GL]

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In-game name: Chad

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55017075

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Royal Guard CDT/501st Trooper/SF FC Pilot

Have you donated to the server?: Yes I have bought Royal Guard and im planning on buying More Soon

Have you been banned on any GL server before?:No i wasnt.

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?:  I was given once for MRDM I did it because my friend couldnt spawn and every moderator was afk so i killed those on spawn, Player diss someone was trying to get me in trouble so i did it, Battalion diss to be honest i was just honest it was my opinion i didnt want to be toxic tho, Everything was 3-4 days ago

How much time do you have on the server?: I think it was like 1-2 weeks or more it could be more but i dont remember.

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know all of the basic sith lore and stuff Pretty much everything.

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: To do events help people and stuff and i want to make their experience more fun and stuff

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: Because i try to always be positive if people dont try to trash talk me or to insult me or to get me in trouble

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes I'am I was a Senior Admin on some star wars rp servers.

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes I'am

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: On ship: A Smuggler or a Trader comes on the ship but in his ship or in some boxes he has hides a rebel and wants to assasinate the [Highest ranking imperial on] Because of some reason like killing his family member And that rebel would eventually die or be held in brig, along with the trader or a smuggler For questioning, after the questioning he would be released unless he gives signs of hatred/disrespect/suspicious activity If he does he could be executed, the trader or smuggler isnt important. Off ship:If this event would only be an on-ship event then the Rebel would be executed for having no information to share but if it would be leading to an off-ship event then the Rebel prisoner would give information on maybe a Rebel-Base of such while being interrogated(Im going to go with the actual hoth map, not the on-map one) Then the troopers would board transports and leave to go to Hoth to eliminate the Rebel base forces. Once on map the Naval would get everyone to line up like always and then eventually whoever is put in charge of the mission would tell the troopers to start moving forward towards the Base, all around the front of the base rebel forces would greet them with firepower and would give the troopers a fight, once all spawners have been shut off by the troopers they would hack into the console on the outside of the base and try to hack open the door, They will succeed and once the door Is opened they will continue to eliminate Rebel forces within the base and collect any information from them, wether that be of an actual rebel actor or a computer AI. Once all parts of the base on the map have been searched the troopers would go back to the starting point and regroup with eachover and then get in transports and leave to go back to the ISD, After the person in charge of the mission will lead the debrief explaining what they did in the mission and leave them to do their own stuff with promotions and such.

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): You can do that with the tool gun when you click Q and click right on some weapon and select to give it with the tool gun.

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): I know a littlebit you need to find a steam model or a model in the Q menu

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:Yes i did

Edited by TomiKes [GL]
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