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Cuire Trial Moderator Report


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3 hours ago, Dylann said:


you are making a fuss out of nothing him looking at what is happening is not hindering your roleplay unless he was physically trying to get people stuck which i assume he wasnt , overall really bad report picking on someone for a minor detail which could have been fixed if you yourself would have asked him to stop lingering


 Retired CI LTCMDR | Proud Enuzer | Roblox Pro

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20 hours ago, fazfan1987 said:

and trying to shake a medic cause he thought he was AFK

isn't that proper protocol to check if someone is afk when you ask\

+/- Support

there t-mods are new, very new

Was Nu7 2LT

Shot Once

Was a Nu7 MSGT

also was a CI Captain once

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11 hours ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

+/- Support

As others mentioned they were literally trained yesterday, so I feel like maybe a talking to/guidance on what to do when on-duty is fit.


21 hours ago, Your Local Soviet said:


From the evidence, it seems that he was lingering and interrupting , but that's the only thing being justified. Also, I believe a talking to is all that is needed due to how new he is.

They were trained yesterday and the SCPRP Staff team day in and day out that they are staffing are helping them on the server, as a SCPRP Trial Moderator, I can vouch that every staff member that is on the team is helping them and guiding them in the right way, GL has a diffrent way of staffing than most servers, from where most come from are smaller servers that have less strict rules on things. 

 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

Retired Director of Intelligence(2023) &  Former Epsilon-11 Commander (2020/2023)

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Those screenshots only show that he was in D block cloaked and that he was talking when in D block, there isnt any proof of anything else and him being in D block isnt against the rule

I'll talk to the staff member just in case but nothing more will be done.

"A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt."


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