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066 Test.


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Lore Name: Eric's Toy.
Rank: Junior Researcher.
SCP: 066.

Question / Idea: If a D-Class were to say Eric and run as fast as they can to get away from it, will SCP 066 go out of his way to chase the D-Class then blast his music or will he eventually stop and continue to roam around?

Background Research: Eric will play soft tones of music or say Eric when around people. If anybody say's Eric near him, 066 will get hostile and play loud music beet hoven and damage there eardrums.

Hypothesis: 066 Will keep chasing the D-Class since they said the word and I don't think 066 will not stop resting until he founds the person and plays his music.

Observations (What Happened During Test): The D-Class went inside the room an waited, after a few minutes he said the word Eric and run outside the room to see if 066 would chase him and so SCP 066 did and once they re met 066 played his loud music damaging his eardrums. This was a demo, if I get more support lets see if we can make the D-Class run to med bay.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): For  now it seems 066 will chase the subject who as said Eric, if this goes will we can see if he runs a farther distance we could see if he would chase him for that long.

 Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was correct and the Subject got his ears broken.


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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  10 /20 

Not the most creative test in the world. This has been done before


Presentation: 15 /20

Standard document. Nothing really stands out

Writing: 35/40

Some grammar issues


TOTAL: 80/100

Grade: B


overall: Standard

Former DHOR Tomato

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