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173 And Orange


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Lore Name:GAM3
Rank:Junior Researcher
SCP: SCP-173

Question / Idea: Does SCP-173 not like the color orange?
Background Research: So, I did my last test to tame SCP-173, but he killed all 3 D-Class showing that he was not tamed. As he killed the D-Class, I don't know if it was because of them wearing orange.
Hypothesis: I think it is the color of the shirt or maybe has bad association with the color orange.

Observations (What Happened During Test): Well, first of all I sent in a D-Class with an orange shirt. They ran back out. I sent in a D-Class with a purple shirt, he lived. The third one had a yellow shirt, he possibly died due to SCP-173 not liking the color yellow. Then we sent in the D-Class with an orange shirt back in, this D-Class also lived.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:  N/A

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):Maybe it was the yellow towel in the D-Classes pocket that SCP-173 noticed the first time.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, he seemed fine with the color orange. 

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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  10 /20 

Not the most creative test in the world. Of course SCP-173 doesn't like people, it doesn't matter the color


Presentation: 10 /20

Very basic document. 

Writing: 40/40

No issues here


TOTAL: 80/100

Grade: B


overall: Standard

Former DHOR Tomato

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