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SCP-1048 Affection Testing: 999 - 1048 Cross Test

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Lore Name: Danu
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 1048

SCP: 999

Question / Idea: Will the attribute of elevated affection within each SCP encourage heightened levels of affection between each other.
Background Research: SCP-999 and SCP-1048 are known two show affection toward other sentient, usually human, objects. SCP-1048 is known to show affection through a variety of movements and/or visual displays such as drawings. SCP-999 is known to show affection through absorbing or "hugging" partial areas of a person or object.

Hypothesis: The shared affection between each SCP will spark both SCP's to perform heightened signs of affection. SCP-999 may entirely or almost entirely engulf SCP-1048 due to his size. SCP-1048 may produce more vivd drawings or more sporadic movements.

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-1048 was given crayons and paper. SCP-999 was given 1 chocolate candy bar. SCP's were instructed to interact with one another. SCP-999 made no motion to hug or absorb SCP-1048. SCP-1048 fastened a small sharp object. SCP-1048 uses said object to take a small chunk of 999's Jelly. SCP-999 had no reaction. Instance of SCP-999 was taken from SCP-1048 along with SCP-1048's weapon.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:  No further evidence beyond visible observation of SCP-1048 taking SCP-999's jelly.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Unclear as to what could of caused this reaction. SCP-999 probably sensed an already high level of happiness from SCP-1048 and therefore made no motion to increase said happiness level. SCP-1048 could have collected portion of 999 to attempt creation of another instance of SCP-1048 or because the jelly brought him happiness and he wanted some to take with him.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No. Neither SCP acted in the way predicted.

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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity:  15 /20 

Not the most creative test in the world but its still cute


Presentation: 15 /20

Very basic document. However there are alot of details

Writing: 40/40

No issues here


TOTAL: 90/100

Grade: A


overall: Quality

Former DHOR Tomato

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Final Grade: Quality


Info untested, no lore behind it.

Boring white text.


While forcing two SCPs to interact to "See what would happen" is fairly common, you had a reason for crosstesting these two.

Although there's a handful of grammatical errors, it overall fits the tone looking past that. Proofread your work!

Professional minge, PhD in shitposting. Research Manager,  Hammer Down Private. Also known as Gutsy.

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