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Midshipman Spencer's Aviation Officer Application


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What is your ingame name?:


What is your SteamID:


What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:


What specialty are you applying for?:

Aviation Officer

What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

CAO Lieutenant Jardarn

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?

I believe I would improve the Aviation branch by being extremely active and regularly attending to my duties. I think that I could bring both heavy and light role play, with both the utility aspect of the job as granting and overseeing ship movements between hangars and open space, and also role playing with Starfighter Corps in regards to both training and experimenting with new ships and possibly developing new flight strategies, such as formation flying and training in evasive battlefield maneuvers. I would also regularly work in Air Traffic Control to ensure that troops follow the complete procedure for taking off and landing, while also keeping the ship secure and enforcing adherence to protocol, so that pilots and troopers do not make improper or illogical requests of ATC personnel. I would also try and find new ways to keep both members of Starfighter Corps and naval entertained in relations to ship traffic and piloting, as previously suggested, I feel additional role play scenarios could be added via the Aviation area, such as creatively using the different sectors of space, e.g. cargo transportation between the ISD and the Death Star or challenging pilots to fly through the asteroid field.

Why should you be trusted with this position?:

I accept that I am not particularly well known and have not been in naval for as long as many other naval members, however, I do have extensive experience both in role playing and the use of LFS ships. I believe that this experience could allow me to suggest new ways to role play in association with the Starfighter Corps, and also to be capable of training and improving upon the flight skills of individual pilots. I believe that I have demonstrated and will continue to demonstrate a serious work ethic as a member of naval, maintaining character and attending to my duties as I am ordered, without hesitation or delay. I also have an abundance of free time and very much enjoy role playing and acting as a member of naval on the server and so I fully intend to continue to be active everyday on the server. Finally, if I am given the chance to be an Aviation Officer I promise not to disappoint or fall short of such a position, and would do everything in my power to prove myself to the Chief Aviation Officer and the other members of navy.

Why do you want this rank?:

I would like to become an Aviation Officer because I would like to become more focused in regards to my role within naval, as I currently spend my time performing various tasks as per my superiors orders, but sometimes feel that I would enjoy having a firm position and purpose around the ship. Working in Air Traffic Control is one of my more preferred duties around the ship, and it allows me to feel that I am serving to the best of my ability. I would also relish the opportunity to work closely with Starfighter Corps and to be able to submit and test my ideas in regards to the ships piloting training's and procedures. Finally, I am very much interested in showing my commitment to naval and wish to make evident to both the other Aviation Officers and the other members of naval my interest in properly serving the needs of the ship and my reliability within the department.

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:


What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: 

Aviation Officers manage the arrivals and departures of ships from the ISD, as well as ensuring fighters are dispatched during space battles. They work closely with Starfighter Corps to ensure it remains active and well trained, occasionally assisting with Starfighter Corps tryouts and training's. Aviation Officers also learn how to pilot and experiment with new ships and designs. Finally, Aviation Officers ensure proper protocol is followed by the pilots of the ISD and that any new rules or regulations are taught to all pilots on the ship.

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1 hour ago, Jardarn said:

-Serious RPer

-Understand duties, responsibilities, and roles of an AO

-Follows orders

-A little new to naval


Good luck!


|Retired Fleet Admiral|Former Admin

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5 hours ago, Jardarn said:

-Serious RPer

-Understand duties, responsibilities, and roles of an AO

-Follows orders

-A little new to naval


Good luck!


Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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+ Support

- Nice guy to be around.

- RP's well.

- Large, detailed application.

- Promoted very quickly.

- As most other comments note, Spencer is still relatively new to Naval (But appears to be learning quickly)


Former Grand General Former Medical Commander (and avid tea drinker)
"Badger. You have forsaken me to no Sleep you Medically Certified Bastard."

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On 4/21/2020 at 5:00 AM, TailoredBadger said:

+ Support

- Nice guy to be around.

- RP's well.

- Large, detailed application.

- Promoted very quickly.

- As most other comments note, Spencer is still relatively new to Naval (But appears to be learning quickly)


- Purge HVYSL MAJ Bakka
- Retired Grand General
- Retired Admin


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