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Map Update / Change suggestion


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What do you want to see? - Map Update

Why should we add it? -  New areas in the map, The map we have is HUGE and a lot of it is not being used if you could edit the map and add new Rooms for Roleplay such as Sparring rooms for Troopers or Dueling rooms for troopers, Places for 31st to practice their turrets. Could add a Droid RP area such as little holes in the walls for Mouse Droids instead of just Vents

What are the advantages of having this? - More fun for Roleplayers, More areas to patrol and protect. Having dueling / training rooms would get them prepaired for combat in Rp would also help trainings and Tryouts for Trooper branches.

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - No content

EX. Ninth Sister, EX. Shock VCMDR, EX E-11 LT, EX General Grevious, EX Senate VCMDR EX Minge      Member Since October 2016                                                            Contact me on Discord @Frozty#5501 for any questions or concerns 

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2 hours ago, BadAim said:

The map creator does not allow edits

Sadly but yes, I would love to see it but can't in those terms so. - Support

[- Sector Advisor Lucifer | Head Admin of ImperialRP -]

~ Our duty as Soldiers is to protect the Empire, no matter the cost... ~

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