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SCP 1025


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Lore Name: TwizKury

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 1025


Question / Idea: WHAT is the average disease CAUSED by 1025?

Background Research: From other researchers, I was able to hypothesise that Spontaneous Combustion, Cardiac Arrest, and FOP were the most common.

Hypothesis: The 3 main ones would be Regenerative Cancer, Stone, and Asthma.


Observations (What Happened During Test):

Test 1: Subject was given Asthma, Lung Cancer, and Stone. Subject was then neutralized.

Test 2: Subject suffered from Cardiac Arrest.

Test 3: Subject was given AIDS and blindness.

Test 4: Subject suffered from Cardiac Arrest.

Test 5: Subject suffered from Cardiac Arrest.

Test 6: Subject was given Regenerative Cancer and then FOP. Subject was terminated

Test 7: Subject was given FOP. Subject was terminated.

Test 8: Subject was blind.

Test 9: Subject suffered Spontaneous Combustion.

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I theorize that the disease given to the reader varies person to person. It could also have completely random, but either way, here are the ones who have averages the most:

Cardiac Arrest-3



Was Your Hypothesis Correct? Slightly. The only one I guessed that was correct was FOP.


might be a furry but might also not be


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Final Grade: Standard


Regenerative cancer does not exist. While the game may pay out with a regenerative cancer, in-lore 1025 only pulls from diseases that could actually realistically exist.


Boring white text


Asking "What will happen if my d-boy interacts with X SCP" is fairly common.

Mostly fine. But please, SPECIFY WHAT FOP IS! A reader shouldn't have to google a disease to find it out.

Professional minge, PhD in shitposting. Research Manager,  Hammer Down Private. Also known as Gutsy.

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