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SCP-008 and SCP-999


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Lore Name: Mirlurk and F Lizard (friend)
Rank: (Mirlurk first) Researcher and AR
SCP: SCP-008 & SCP-999

Question / Idea: We know that SCP-999 doesnt respond well to SCP-008 by itself. How would SCP-999 react to a D-Class infected with SCP-008
Background Research: SCP-999 is a gelatinous mass of orange slime. Very friendly and is pretty much the Foundations dog. SCP-008 however is an infectious virus that causes the host to start producing zombie like symptoms. SCP-008 is transmitted through any type of body fluid.     
Hypothesis: I think thats SCP-999 will not like that the infected Class-D is near it and react negatively. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): After injecting the Class-D with SCP-008, the Class-D interacted with SCP-999. SCP-999 seemed to not notice that the Class-D was infected so he was still friendly towards the Class-D.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Pictures

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-999 seemed to not notice so he didnt change his behavior in any way.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No





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Grade: (85%) B

Test Quality: Standard

Lore: 20/20
SCP- 999 should have responded to the Symptoms of 008, but thats not your fault in this case, so no points deducted.

Creativity: 15/20
I've seen this test done a lot, so its not the most original, maybe next time this test is conducted add a little twist to make it more fresh.

Presentation: 10/20
The test log is a little short for this test in my opinion, next time you could try adding a little more detail, that would boost this well.

Writing: 40/40
I saw nothing major, maybe a place or two could've used a comma. But other than that it was well written.

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