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can SCP-999, SCP-500 or, SCP-294. anything stop SCP-513


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Name: Fish


Rank: AR


SCP: SCP-513 SCP-999, SCP-500, SCP-294.


List of Personnel involved in testing: One class


Level D Personnel involved(if any): One security LCPL in case the D-Class try's to escape. And when the dclass rung SCP-500 me and the security LCPL


Risks/Safety Precautions: I had the security LCPL in case the D-Class try's to escape. And when the dclass rung SCP-513 me and the security LCPL were at a save distance away while the D-Class rung SCP-513 while he was monitored on a camera.


Background Research: If you ring SCP-513 you will go insane and start hallucinating. When you eat SCP-500 it cures any disease or illness that you have. If you type "life" into SCP-294 a red liquid will come out that heals you. And when SCP-999 touches you he makes you very happy, and SCP-999 can also heal depression.


What I’m teaching/testing: I am testing if any SCP's can heal the effects of SCP-513


Observation: When the D-Class rung SCP-513 I have him SCP-500. After 5 minutes he was still going insane and seeing things.


After we brought him to SCP-513 I punched in "life" to the keypad because the D-Class was shaking to much. He spilled some of the liquid out but he managed to drink most of it. but that still did not work.


Next we brought him to SCP-999 and as 999 ticked him he did feel better he stopped shaking but as soon as 999 left he started the doing all the symptoms once again.


Conclusion: nothing can revert the symptoms of SCP-513


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Lore: 20/20

Follows the lore quite well. No issues there.

Creativity: 20 /20 

Very creative. Well done


Presentation: 10/20

The document was a bit short. You could have added a lot more to the actual test log.

Writing: 30/40

Minor Grammar errors. Also some inconsistencies in your SCP naming.


TOTAL: 80/100

Grade: B-


Notes: I enjoy a quality cross test. Well done.

Former DHOR Tomato

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