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SCP 1162 test


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Lore Name: Nathan
Rank:junier researcher 

Question / Idea:what are the different effects of the book
Background Research: SCP1162 has seemingly random affects on d-class
Hypothesis: an infinite amount of affects?

Observations (What Happened During Test): during testing the fallowing happened to the class-D: blindness, the inability to move, lung cancer, spontaneous combustion and heart attacks

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): it is unknown what exactly causes this but seems to be only diseases that we have discovered 
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: it is possible but we dont have an infinite amount of test subjects 

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Grade: (70%) C-

Test Quality: Standard

Lore: 20/20
Followed the lore of 1162 well.

Creativity: 10/20
SCP- 1162's abilities aren't a secret, they're a known fact. Basically we didn't learn much from this test.

Presentation: 10/20
The test log was small, also it lacked detail.

Writing: 30/40
I saw a lot of capitalization errors, as well as some spelling errors.

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