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SCP-173/SCP-999 Test Video Log

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Lore Name: Zeta King

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: SCP-173/SCP-999


Question / Idea: Will SCP-999 negate the effect or calm SCP-173 in any way while observed.

Background Research: SCP-173 is an active and hostile entity, while SCP-999 is known to cure all forms of depression no matter how severe. SCP-999 being able to make anyone in the world happy, I believe it was worth safely testing SCP-173. SCP-173 was still hostile after the event.

Hypothesis: I didn't believe SCP-173 would react to SCP-999, I didn't expect anything to happen but it was worth a try. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-999 approached SCP-173, and ended up seeming afraid of SCP-173. This is odd behavior for SCP-999, leading me to believe theres more to SCP-173 than what meets the eye.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): See video log SCP-1739991



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Lore: 20 /20

This follows the lore pretty well

Creativity: 18/20 

I took two points off because i am pretty sure this test has been done many times before. However, i am a fan of 173 cross tests so i added back a few points.

Presentation: 20/20

Going the extra mile to do a video warrants extra points in my book. Well done.

Writing: 40/40

No obvious spelling or grammar errors


TOTAL: 98/100

Grade: A+


Notes: Well done. I love the video portion

Former DHOR Tomato

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