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SCP-912 Threat Assessment


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Lore Name: Jayy
Rank: JR
SCP: 912

Question / Idea: The question of the experiment was to determine what the SCP considers safe, a possible threat, a imminent threat and if it can be provided a situation in which rather than detaining the D-Class it would neutralize it.

Background Research: The background research preformed for this test included previous experiments of the same caliber however I wanted to zone in on the exacts by testings a multitude of different caliber weapons.

Hypothesis: My general Hypothesis was that any object which had visual presence of being a weapon would result in a detainment and higher caliber weapons such as an M4A1-M134 Minigun would result in an instant hostile reaction and eventually a neutralization of the personal holding the weapon. 

Observations (What Happened During Test): We started the test off with 1 D-Class Subject, one MTF Security Officer and of course SCP-912 itself. The MTF Security was brought to ensure the safety of myself and the SCP. We began by bringing the D-Class into a LCZ Room in which I handed him a rubber knife and told him to bring it out when the SCP entered the room. After this we brought the SCP into the room and had D-Class bring out the rubber knife. No action was taken by 912 against the D-Class other than a quick glare towards the rubber knife. After this we brought the SCP out of the room and handed the D-Class a Plastic Knife to which we did the exact same. The result was different however with the SCP simply taking the Plastic Knife away and not detaining the D-Class. After this was a Kitchen Knife in which 912 immediately took the Knife from the D-Class and detained the D-Class. After removing the restraints put on the D-Class we continued. Next was a Pistol (unloaded to the knowledge of myself and the MTF however kept secret from the SCP) which ended with the same result. After we did the same but with a M4A1 in which 912 not only detained the user but while in the process of removing the weapon used it's baton to disarm the D-Class. Finally we ended with a large caliber M134 Minigun (Once again unloaded without the SCP knowing). Once the door opened 912 rushed the suspect down with it's baton, disarmed and beat the D-Class and took him into custody. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The conclusion of the test is that SCP-912 will not react to objects which resemble weapons yet possess no harm as well as that the SCP will not attempt to neutralize a threat no matter the caliber weapon the possess unless aggressive behavior or a immediate threat is detected from the D-Class and will only detain said D-Class. With this we have narrowed down the possibilities of possible incidents which could occur should the SCP have a run in with a Researcher/Personal carrying/armed with a object with visual similarity to a weapon. 

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, it was incorrect however for the better.

Edited by Jayman
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Score: A+

Grade: Quality

Lore: 20/20

Kitchen knives are not intended to be used as a weapon, as such 912 would not react negatively. Still, it's something so minor I didn't even take off the point.

Creativity: 20/20

While seeing what different types of weapons 912 responds to is common, this goes above and beyond, actually using real weapons, albeit unloaded. This, of course, would logically invoke a larger response from 912.

Presentation: 20/20

Simplistic, but it's something.

Writing: 40/40

Nothing wrong here.

Professional minge, PhD in shitposting. Research Manager,  Hammer Down Private. Also known as Gutsy.

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