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Everything posted by Jayman

  1. Lore Name: Jayy Rank: JR SCP: 912 Question / Idea: The question of the experiment was to determine what the SCP considers safe, a possible threat, a imminent threat and if it can be provided a situation in which rather than detaining the D-Class it would neutralize it. Background Research: The background research preformed for this test included previous experiments of the same caliber however I wanted to zone in on the exacts by testings a multitude of different caliber weapons. Hypothesis: My general Hypothesis was that any object which had visual presence of being a weapon would result in a detainment and higher caliber weapons such as an M4A1-M134 Minigun would result in an instant hostile reaction and eventually a neutralization of the personal holding the weapon. Observations (What Happened During Test): We started the test off with 1 D-Class Subject, one MTF Security Officer and of course SCP-912 itself. The MTF Security was brought to ensure the safety of myself and the SCP. We began by bringing the D-Class into a LCZ Room in which I handed him a rubber knife and told him to bring it out when the SCP entered the room. After this we brought the SCP into the room and had D-Class bring out the rubber knife. No action was taken by 912 against the D-Class other than a quick glare towards the rubber knife. After this we brought the SCP out of the room and handed the D-Class a Plastic Knife to which we did the exact same. The result was different however with the SCP simply taking the Plastic Knife away and not detaining the D-Class. After this was a Kitchen Knife in which 912 immediately took the Knife from the D-Class and detained the D-Class. After removing the restraints put on the D-Class we continued. Next was a Pistol (unloaded to the knowledge of myself and the MTF however kept secret from the SCP) which ended with the same result. After we did the same but with a M4A1 in which 912 not only detained the user but while in the process of removing the weapon used it's baton to disarm the D-Class. Finally we ended with a large caliber M134 Minigun (Once again unloaded without the SCP knowing). Once the door opened 912 rushed the suspect down with it's baton, disarmed and beat the D-Class and took him into custody. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The conclusion of the test is that SCP-912 will not react to objects which resemble weapons yet possess no harm as well as that the SCP will not attempt to neutralize a threat no matter the caliber weapon the possess unless aggressive behavior or a immediate threat is detected from the D-Class and will only detain said D-Class. With this we have narrowed down the possibilities of possible incidents which could occur should the SCP have a run in with a Researcher/Personal carrying/armed with a object with visual similarity to a weapon. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, it was incorrect however for the better.
  2. Lore Name: Jayy Rank: JR SCP: 066 Question / Idea: The question of the experiment is whether or not SCP-066 has a finite or infinite amount of yarn which makes up it's body. Background Research: Prior to going into this experiment I did background research on the SCP's behaviors as well as previous experiment logs in order to get a better understanding of the knowledge we already had on the SCP. During my research I found that a similar experiment was done on the SCP by "D-066-4437" in which he attempted to cut pieces of yarn off the SCP. In result of this the SCP emitted loud dissonant staccato notes which caused "D-066-4437" to halt the experiment. Because of this background I had prepared top quality noise cancellation ear buds which noise cancellation ear phones over top in order to diminish or even cancel out any noise emitted by the SCP. Of course this presents a new problem in the case the SCP makes a new noise. The solution to this was to setup recording equipment in the medical room where the experiment would be held. Hypothesis: My hypothesis was that due to the nature of the SCP and how it previously reacted the SCP would have a finite amount of yarn which made up it's body. The whole basis of this hypothesis was its previous reaction where it seemed scared/defensive last time it had it's yarn removed. Observations (What Happened During Test): I started out by bringing the SCP into the Med-bay alongside 1 security escort in case things ended up going south. The security escort was stationed outside of the operation room in which the experiment took place. Once the SCP was in the operation room I used a combination of it's own yarn as well as built in bed restraints in order to restrain the SCP from rolling over/moving away. After this I put on sterile gloves, took out a special type of heavy duty Scissors in which I used to begin cutting strands of the SCP's yarn off and putting the cut strands into a secure box. I proceeded with this for around 10 minutes at which point I determined the mass of the body had not decreased. At this time I began searching through it's yarn in order to locate a possible organ which could produce yarn to which I found nothing but thick yarn and eyes. During the experiment the SCP made multiple notes and at quite a few points began asking "Are you eric" to which I responded "No.". High decibel frequencies were made from the SCP afterwards which were deafened by my ear buds but could be heard from outside the operating room. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): My conclusion of the experiment is that the SCP does not have a finite but rather an infinite supply of yarn being produced seemingly from no where. I can presume the noises made by the SCP in reaction to having it's yarn removed/cut from it's body is possibly a sense of pain or loss rather than a sense of endangerment. The extracted pieces of yarn which were stored in a locked tungsten carbide box remain in tact and have shown no signs of movement. Presumably they are regular pieces of yarn after being cut from the body. More will be researched with the strands of yarn in a later experiment. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.
  3. Lore Name: Jayy Rank: JR SCP: 912 Question / Idea: The general question of this test was whether or not SCP-912 would prioritize D-Class with higher calibur weapons such as an Pistol/M4A1 compared to a Kitchen Knife or if he would arrest them at random. Background Research: Previously I was researching on 912 and when exploring the cases in which it would arrest personal with weapons on them/if it found them a threat the idea came to my head "What if it was presented with multiple options, how would it prioritize the targets or if it would choose at random". Hypothesis: My hypothesis was that he WOULD indeed prioritize a higher calibur threat considering his behavior prior to the test in which he seemed at least some what knowledgeable. Observations (What Happened During Test): During the test I brought in 3 D-Class personal and gave each a different weapons (All of which were unloaded and the knife being fake). One being given a plastic knife, one being given a Semi Automatic Glock 18 and the final one being a standard issue M4A1 Carbine. From there I brought in SCP-912 to the room where I informed him each of the D-Class had a weapon after telling the D-Class to take out their weapons. SCP-912 moved in directly for the D-Class carrying the M4A1 Carbine. After that D-Class was detained he moved in for the one holding the Glock 18 next and finally the D-Class with the knife. After that I had Security take the weapons back from SCP-912 and escorted him back to safe containment. We concluded the test by sedating the D-Class and returning them to their block. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: No visual evidence is available of this test at the moment. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): My conclusion of the experiment was that SCP-912 is that it has at least basic knowledge of police/military procedures or at the very least common sense which makes it both more interesting and possibly more dangerous. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.
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