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Dying's security officer application


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What is your ingame name?: Midshipman Dying

What is your SteamID:76561198136584115

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:i just recently got promoted so it might show crewman but my rank is midshipman

What specialty are you applying for?: Security officer

What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:not a admiral but the security director who is a captain

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?i will monitor their activity and assist them in their daily activities while also promoting those who do good at their job. If i see anyone doing wrong i will tell them what they are doing wrong and ask them to stop while also assigning members of shock to guard certain areas or patrol on certain levels of the ISD and making sure none of them minge or break any server rules since those that do are not fit for shock since they are supposed to be one of the top RP/serious battalions there is besides the spec ops battalions .

Why should you be trusted with this position?:I have few bad altercations with staff and am very active while also being a NCO in SF which is one of the harder battalions due to the fact everyone relys on you for daily activities such as transport 

Why do you want this rank?:I want this rank because i know if i get it i can help improve shock and otherwise assist in shock activities .

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:yes

What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:Shock security is in laymans terms the military police of the server and they guard high value locations such as bridge and brig while also patroling to make sure troopers are not breaking the standards we set for them to follow. Shock will also detain and guard high value targets such as captured rebels and extract information with them while leaving light side force users to the inquistors. It is also somewhat the duty of shock to be a role model to normal troops.


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-There can be some very serious work done to this not 1 sentence long.

-"I have few bad altercations with staff" This does not help why you should be trusted.

-Overall you need to put effort in this App this shows me that you don't care to much about wanting SO.


There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.


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