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Bring SCP-173 Back To The Server! - Accepted

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On 2/4/2020 at 1:03 AM, Rookieblue said:

It's basically the same model that is copyrighted, but child size.

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TheJayden | Retired PoliceRP PD Colonel | Retired/Reserve Delta Squad Second Lieutenant | Street Crimes Unit Co-Commander | Member of Gaminglight since March 29, 2018 |

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On 2/5/2020 at 3:17 AM, [GL] Ace said:

Ok there is probably a lot of people who do not know this or are misinformed.

The creator of SCP 173’s picture will not allow his art sculpture to be used for commercial purposes. 

It does not matter if the job is a leveled job or not, since you can donate to the server that means that the server is used for commercial purposes and therefore can not have 173 on here. 

We used to have him here, and he was one of the first SCP’s you got access to, not a donator class.

There has also been multiple suggestions like this one, they have all been denied. Even the one’s that use a different model.


as fool said, 173 is not coming back. 


Edited by Doggo0

 SCPRP Director of Logistics, Event TeamFormer Nu7 2LT, Former Senior Admin

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