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Event team application


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In-Game Name: Comedy

SteamID (STEAM_0:0:459114868)

What is your ULX Rank?: none

What is your RP Rank?: Dev Junior Researcher

What is your timezone?: Eastern Standard 

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):  6

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I'm am very into Rp games like dnd. 

How Active are you? (1/10): 10

How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 1

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:  I'm very creative I'm good at making up stories and games, and I'm dependable and have been on the server every day since I first joined it.

Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):  SCP-1048 has created multiple 1048-A variants that have scattered about the faccility. All variants of 1048 must be captured or killed as swiftly as possible.

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

What is your favorite SCP? Why? 294 Because I love the amount of creative things you can do with it. Like request a cup of liquid carbon or a cup of music. If your creative enough the possibilities are endless.

Edited by ComedyGlutton
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