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CI Application from Nanachi


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In-game Name: Nanachi






What division do you want to join (Military or R&D):Military

How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: I would say it's fair. I'm very competent when it comes to my knowledge of the lore, though I am no expert.

Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): At my time in the foundation I find it often boring, obnoxious to deal with, sometimes unprofessional and irritating. Being in the Chaos Insurgency would be a way to both assist in.. punishing these behaviors, while also giving something else to be done about times where things are not quite interesting. I believe I would be able to provide some structure to the Chaos Insurgency through my ability to lead raids and aim the business end of my weapon, along with my deep pool of strategic methods. It would certainly be more entertaining than being MTF+Security.


What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: I have been playing scp rp's for years. I know the backbone of this system and I am confident in my ability to be a very useful and intelligent asset to the combat end of the insurgency, especially during raids. I am, at heart, a commander. I have the confidence, but more than that the competence to back it up, albeit sometimes I have better days than others.


How active can you be?: Fairly active! I may how ever have to eventually vanish due to either my obligations to my game development, or real life things getting ahead of me. Usually I can play every day of the week, how ever.


Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yep and yep.

Edited by Nanachi
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