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Boris's Transfer


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Hello Everyone, The time has come for my Gensec Day's to be done and for me to move onto something new! I've wanted to do this for a while, But now it's final, I'm transferring to E11, I've had so many great, And some dim Memory's with Gensec, Thank you for the months.

Special Mentions:

Spire - Ding... Ding..... Ding..... Dinggg.......... Still one of my best friends on here for sure!

Matrices  - Good Luck with your future in Gensec an HOS.

War Gamer - You got me into this server, I heavily put all my successes are because of you.

JJ - We led RCF and were great friends good luck with DCOS.

Krafty - Good Luck with HFTO.

Cryo - Hope you get COL!

FTOS= Good Luck with your future trainings DO good!

RCF - Rapid Re contain

Gensec - Good Luck with your future adventures I hope you guys stay as strong as you are.

Not sure if this needs anything else.





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