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John Mill false warn appeal


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Your In-game: Slay 

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:208652377


The admin's name in-game: John Mill


The admin's steam name (If you know it):

I don't know it.

What warning did you receive: I received a warning for "RDM & ARDM"


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 



Why do you think this warn was false: I was minding my own  business walking down the street. I decided to  go to the hospital to get armor I was walking with my fubar out to the entrance of the hospital and then this fbi agent Roger said "let me see your hands" with his weapon pointed at me cause its an illegal weapon I refused because it was not illegal. A staff member Joey was trying to tell him it was not illegal which worked out. I ran to the back room and waited for my opportunity. He then walked to his car as I followed him he than got in and I stiked at him. I felt threatened because he had a weapon pointed at me. 


Any extra information: This staff member  denied me proof to see the video till I called for a higher up which Yobo told him he can't do that. Also don't know why I was warned for ARDM. 

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How can you be warned for 2 offences if only 1 was committed

ARDM - You **tried* to kill someone but failed 

Rdm - You actually  **killed** the person

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

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It a hard one because yes they were a threat to you but again it was a misunderstanding... but it isn't RDM ifbyou jad a reasson and ARDM was not committed at any point either

'you may see my struggle, but you won't see me quit'

'Success depends on the second letter'

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The whole situation was hard to understand at the start,

As I broke it down I understood that indeed he was threatened with a weapon for no  reason. 


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13 hours ago, Yobo said:

 + Support

The whole situation was hard to understand at the start,

As I broke it down I understood that indeed he was threatened with a weapon for no  reason. 


Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
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If someone has you under gunpoint and tells you to put possible lethal weapons irl you would put it away, just not sure why you killed him in the end.

Also, I don't know why he thought he should aim a gun at you when you had a nonlethal, he was in the wrong as well he should've used a taser.


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19 hours ago, Sion said:


It a hard one because yes they were a threat to you but again it was a misunderstanding... but it isn't RDM ifbyou jad a reasson and ARDM was not committed at any point either


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