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Dylan Bryan EMS App

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Name: Dylan Bryan

In-Game Name: Dylan Bryan

How many warns to do have: 0

Why do you want to be EMS (150 word minimum): 

I am a senior officer and I love being a cop but the most annoying thing is having a criminal be able to respawn because there are no EMS online. I would really like to help out to stop that from happening. I play five-m I am a police chief for MSRP and also a firefighter. I roleplay everything to the best of my ability. I use this server as a training ground for the five-m patrols and it is really fun to be able to have that interaction. I find it fun to roleplay as a medic on HZ before that went to crap and now I feel like with how realistic this server is it would be a good fit for me. My friend Jim Bryan is already a paramedic on this server and I would like to join him.  I am trying to help the community in any way that I can roleplay wise. 

Can you attend the meetings on Saturday at 6pm EST? (Mandatory): Yes

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Ex-SCPRP D-Boi | Security Officer | Senior Moderator/Admin | Ex-Discord Moderator and TS Support Member 

Ex-PoliceRP EMS Dep. Chief |  SWAT CPL | Head Dispatcher | FBI EAD | Interpol HoI | DOC LT | SS SSO | 

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