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Killer's Suggestion (about lean)


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What you want to see? -  I want to see for the barrels to have a buy all ingredients for Lean 

Why should we add it? -  The server should have it because instead of spam clicking the ingredients over and over its just easier for everybody

What are the advantages of having this? - advantages for having this is that people just don't need to  spam it because I have been making it for like the past hour and it gets annoying for spamming the buttons

Who is it mainly for? - Mainly for Thiefs / Crips / Bloods/ all the Criminals 

Links to any content -  N/A (dont have)

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20 minutes ago, Rhenic said:

How would this make it OP though? It literally just makes it a lot less tedious. You could even put a timer of maybe 30 seconds on it.



100% agree and that its less tedious and it wouldn't make it more OP 

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