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Invaliff's Support Application


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In-Game Name: Coruscant 1LT Vernon 6287 / 212th PFC Invaliff 6437

Steam Name: [GL] Invaliff

SteamID: STEAM_1:0:87198935

Are you a Moderator+? Yes Senior Moderator on SWRP

How often are you on TeamSpeak? Anytime I am on SWRP / Sometimes on playing other games. (Pretty much everyday)

Do you have a working quality mic? Yes

What timezone are you in?  Central Time (CDT)

Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+)  

Every day that I am on Star Wars RP, I set a goal for myself. To be as helpful as I can, take sits and answer people’s questions, Help them with whitelisting, or take a report of a mingy player. Any time I see someone asking for staff, If I am available I will switch to the staff job and help them out! I want to be able to help in Teamspeak as well. Helping visitors get their tags, take any questions players have and help them out! It is the main reason I came back. I enjoy helping people, and becoming a member of the Support Team here in Gaming Light will allow me to continue assisting in the community.

How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way?

 I will affect the support team in a positive way by opening communication with other Support members and helping answer questions that a user has asked that they may not know themselves. Making sure I bring a positive attitude wherever I go!

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would greet the user first with an enthusiastic tone telling them I am with the Gaming Light Support Team and I am here to answer / Solve their problems.  after that, I will tell them my name and the server I currently staff on. Depending on the request I will ask them what the problem is and see how I can help them. 

Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes

Thank you for taking your time to read this!

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