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adding the impala for the pd


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Considering you get no new cars between snr and sgt I think that CPL should be given the Impala which is already a car thats in the game!

What you want to see? - Impala given to CPL+

Why should we add it? -  From SNR you get no new cars until SGT and the ones they get are really bad to drive. I think that LCPL or CPL+ should be given the impala which is an already existing car in the game with PD skin already existing for it

What are the advantages of having this? -

Who is it mainly for? - CPL in the PD

Links to any content - already in the game

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That's the point, SNR to SGT get next to no vehicles for a few reasons, one being you're not gonna give them a super fast vehicle when just starting out, they put in that system so that Officers have motivation to reach higher ranks. It's quite simple.


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The Impala isn't much better than the Taurus. The reason I'm suggesting this is because by CPL you should be getting used to a slightly faster speed. Going from the 60mph Taurus to the 108mph charger causes issues with driving. Giving them an 80 mph car at CPL would allow them to get used to driving at a high speed so when they get the charger they are ready. I've never seen a LT use an Impala either and LT+ already have numerous other cars that are far cooler. Also it gives the SNRs/LCPLs a goal that they have a chance of reaching. (thats why the Crown Vic used to be for CPL+)

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