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So i am perma banned, I been accepted on my ban app for 6 days i think, Now when someone try unban me is says im not banned, I look on the ID Finder and found a new Steam ID. If any staff can try unban me with it and see if it work, If not, My ban is bugged and i can,t be unbanned :( Been banned for a year

SteamID(The One I Found): STEAM_0:0:47552973

Proof of i was accepted: http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/22649-my-unban-appeal/

What i used to get find this SteamID: http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20852-how-to-get-your-steamid/ This is just so you can say if i used wrong stuff. Becuse i used Steamidfinder and on that SteamID is says im not banned

I miss the server :(

Edited by DarkSniperHD
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