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Radds's ban appeal


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Steam Name: Radds

Ingame Name: Ron Viper

SteamID: 76561198276979067

Ban Length: Permaban

Admin that banned you: Toxic

Reason For Ban: Over 40 warns.


January 20th of this year I was permanently banned from this server, now in the three months that have followed this ban i realize my mistakes and realize that there is no other server like gaming lights police RP server. I realize I may have had an abundant amount of warns but in these three months i have taken into consideration the admins and people whos time I have wasted and the people I have irritated. I believe I am ready to come back into this server a new player.  Someone who participates actively and upholds the server rules. I miss getting onto this server with my friends and role playing for hours on end and I would like to experience that once more. To all of the people I may have offended or annoyed in my long running reign of terror I sincerely apologize and I want you to know i'm ready to join again, and i'm ready to play the right way. Please take what I have to say into consideration, thank you!

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-I Remember runing Into many Issues with you before


In the three months I was banned I realized just how difficult being an admin can be, with this newfound knowledge I would certainly keep to myself and not cause any problems

Edited by Radds
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I think that you had so many chances over the course of 40 warns you shouldn't get another chance. I mean it's intentional rule breaking at 40



yes that is true but this is the first instance that I have been severely punished, being banned for three months. I agree I shouldn't have 40 warns but if I was punished with a three months ban before I would have certainly cleaned up my act. And i intend to do that if I was let back into the server.

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+ Support

“40+ Warns - Permanent minge issued, By Manager+ (Staff's desecration if the ban is issued)”

Toxic should not have handled that punishment as a manager or owner needs to administrate to according the handbook (Quoted above).

LT Forrest 1A54 | SGT Trooper Forrest 1T54 | SWAT SGT Forrest XR01 | SS VCDMR Forrest XS54 | Sheriff SGT Forrest 1S15




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Fix your steam ID and you had 40+ chances

Re aply in 1 week 

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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