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Staff Report


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Your In-Game Name: Fame

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:138952293

Staff member's In-Game Name: Carpenter, Naby,

What did they do? Naby has been afk for hours and carpenter was afk for a while as well while we were understaffed on multiple occasions. 

Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361159601

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Just speak to them honestly. A strike isn't necessary. But Naby was afk for hours upon hours so maybe speak to him a little more "sternly". I don't like doing this but after SMT has said this multiple times not to be afk on the server while we're understaffed and people still do it its honestly just annoying at this point. This isn't the first time from them both either

Edited by Fame
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My apologies on that. Nimo was loading in the game; he wasn’t afk. He got on staff 5 minutes after I took the screenshot. As for cravplay he was too I believe actually 

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Although the handbook does say being afk is not an excuse, I do feel that they had valid reasons why.

yes naby had a reason but not Carpenter 

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