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I'm back


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I'm back everyone sorry about that had some legal issues to take care of still technically taking care of them I will be able to be on more now

I was on today and one of the greatest things happen I got promoted so I am now a corporal I've also applied for state trooper so I hope can get it so wish me luck on that

I will also still be doing my work is FBI mostly being a special agent in charge and as I still am a donor mod I willI be still keeping up on my staff duties

From what I see I already liked the new meth cook it is awesome and way more easier then the old system can't wait to play on that more I will also still be keeping up with my family Yuki's I will let you guys know if I have to go on a leave of absence again I may have to take one in May I will see you when we come back to that hope to see you all in the server soon

Signed corporal/FBI SAIC Velvet

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