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please nerf this

James Oliver

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What you want to see? -  So I have been noticing that the Yukis are more armed than a SWAT staff sergeant and lower I understand that we have gas but we can only use that in certain situations but it is kind of ridiculous when 2 Yukis can beat 3 PD  1 SWAT and 1 FBI I know they paid for it but please consider nerfing the Yuki classes 

Why should we add it? - it will reduce the amount if random firefights caused by the Yukis and make it fairer to the PD after the new rule where we can't go back to bank witch is suspected to make it easier for criminals but if the yukis raid the bank all departments will have little to no chance to beat them

What are the advantages of having this? - it will be fairer to all departments and less easy for them to raid the bank easy as cake and less random firefights

Who is it mainly for? - the yuki classes

Links to any content - SWAT Corporal http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314947625 compared  to all yuki classes http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948123 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948165 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948199

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Dude I’m sorry but this is seriously not helping our problem at all. By you posting this it’s just going to cause more arguments. Our custom class isn’t getting nurfed. Might as well close this post right now, as we’ve already talked to managers 

@Steven King / Asuna Yuki

Also, you saying that swat doesn’t have a chance against criminal is just so stupid. I mean seriously come on now. 

I can’t be asked anymore this is getting too annoying 

Edited by Fame
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Why should we add it? - it will reduce the amount if random firefights caused by the Yukis and make it fairer to the PD after the new rule where we can't go back to bank witch is suspected to make it easier for criminals but if the yukis raid the bank all departments will have little to no chance to beat them

What are the advantages of having this? - it will be fairer to all departments and less easy for them to raid the bank easy as cake and less random firefights

Who is it mainly for? - the yuki classes

Links to any content - SWAT Corporal http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314947625 compared  to all yuki classes http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948123 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948165 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1314948199


Im going to ask that you stop right there. First off this post is in retaliation of me recording this officer force RolePlay on me when i was fixing my keybinds as i cant put away weapons and i tabbed out and when i tabbed back i was arrested for having a class 3 firearm. I tried explaing to him "ooc hey im fixing my keybinds" he claimed whats ooc? like seriously -_- semi-serious rp 

Let me be clear the Police have tatical units guess what the Yukis are having tatical units wanna know what we are?


We are a family a Defener of Anime and those who cant defend themsleves when we have police walking around with weapons and acting "militrized" its becomes an issue. I cant believe that I have members asking to nerf weapons that i payed for and can accuratly use those weapons #procsogo 


Yes we have been more agressive towards S.W.A.T and all the other gov agency (to many to count ) 


like dont even a swqat cpl has 150 armor when custom classes have 100 and  all this proves were better shots and you guys rush us with shotguns rather than actual aiming 



But the worst of it all sir we have to becuase of the harrasment and cops breaking nlr rules. 



this is qutoted from the yuki code of conduct "VI I will never forget that I am an Yuki family member , fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my Family free. I will trust in my God and in the my comrades. ."


were expert breachers i mean come one i offered to train swat and other agencies to give them a chance to learn



have you even looked at our Family Info?


I even held a community meeting about recent events even you asked me to change my weapons during that meeting I replied " OH HELL NO you guys need to get better aim"


The yukis them selfs rp as a mix of Japan and chinese gangs tbh we can get our hands on anything.


Our limit for the yukis is 10 people which we are full notice how i havent been accepting applications...

Now alliances are a diffrent story i will officaly alliance with someone when they have the same expectations as we do.


This is just typical swat  all over agian 


This is my message to all of Goverment 

The fact that I'm standing here now means I'm also prepared to fight on behalf of my Family. I don't need your pity. Until I've fallen and become unable to move any longer, please come at me with all your strength!



Edited by Steven King / Asuna Yuki



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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nah swat can handle custom classes easy you guys just want the upper advantage  


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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I will oversee the SWAT ranks and maybe improve some things on it. The Yukis won't be removed. Steven has worked hard for this custom class, but like I said, I will overlook some of the ranks in SWAT. 

PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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please nerf

than your class gets nerf too cause this is about all custom classes


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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Im going to ask that you stop right there. First off this post is in retaliation of me recording this officer force RolePlay on me when i was fixing my keybinds as i cant put away weapons and i tabbed out and when i tabbed back i was arrested for having a class 3 firearm. I tried explaing to him "ooc hey im fixing my keybinds" he claimed whats ooc? like seriously -_- semi-serious rp 

Let me be clear the Police have tatical units guess what the Yukis are having tatical units wanna know what we are?


We are a family a Defener of Anime and those who cant defend themsleves when we have police walking around with weapons and acting "militrized" its becomes an issue. I cant believe that I have members asking to nerf weapons that i payed for and can accuratly use those weapons #procsogo 


Yes we have been more agressive towards S.W.A.T and all the other gov agency (to many to count ) 


like dont even a swqat cpl has 150 armor when custom classes have 100 and  all this proves were better shots and you guys rush us with shotguns rather than actual aiming 



But the worst of it all sir we have to becuase of the harrasment and cops breaking nlr rules. 



this is qutoted from the yuki code of conduct "VI I will never forget that I am an Yuki family member , fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my Family free. I will trust in my God and in the my comrades. ."


were expert breachers i mean come one i offered to train swat and other agencies to give them a chance to learn



have you even looked at our Family Info?


I even held a community meeting about recent events even you asked me to change my weapons during that meeting I replied " OH HELL NO you guys need to get better aim"


The yukis them selfs rp as a mix of Japan and chinese gangs tbh we can get our hands on anything.


Our limit for the yukis is 10 people which we are full notice how i havent been accepting applications...

Now alliances are a diffrent story i will officaly alliance with someone when they have the same expectations as we do.


This is just typical swat  all over agian 


This is my message to all of Goverment 

The fact that I'm standing here now means I'm also prepared to fight on behalf of my Family. I don't need your pity. Until I've fallen and become unable to move any longer, please come at me with all your strength!




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I do agree with SWAT in a way there is plans coming 

Waiting for more community feedback




Image result for anime pissed gif

More community feedback that right there is crossing the line its ridiculous that i spent 300+ on my class then people  complain that im actually good Im past the point of anger i will be going to zeeptin about this because you have come in my channel multiple times which i do have recorded (I am allowed to record when its in  my channel say "Yukis SDND Recording" or when i attempt to stream i mean my god i get it management is allowed either way but when im in the middle of playing and have excutive staff tell me "could you guys not kill the cops as much" "you gusy like to run around and shooting all the cops but you do  it in a way that doesnt break the rules' 


i mean if you come on my channel and i say anything about it or speak greaviencs you say " Dont do that the yukis area  critical part of roleplay" thats a joke not when the whole damn police force comes after you and has a op launched agianst the "gangs" when in reality we were targeted the most or when the new nlr rule when into effect yester day and we killed them all well they still failed nlr and you told us to wait till tommrow for it to be in effect and you telling dont request a supervisor.  Well, sir, i don't have faith in your police department anymore and im surprised police can launch operations but criminal cant. I always try to run it buy you when i do something massive because my yukis are under a lot of eyes  make it fair don't give swat ridiculous amounts of armor or cert you guys complain we need a nerf omg swat Cpl had 150 armor  how about the pd get their act together and come to my training session i training on my dedicated server all the damn  time i even scripted a plugin for very aggressive NPCs its like playing call of duty on veteran basically.

 I limit my self to 10 members and you complain we go in a group were friends and custom classes all of us what do you expect. We payed hard earned money and now you want to limit us now your messing with zeeptins money


I followed all of your request as management and this stuff is still happening -_-

Image result for anime 10 people

I go off with Hannah all the damn time and let them do their thing and we just are chilling like villain 

Image result for anime chilling


I cant take any more staff seriously because they don't see it from our side NOR HAS ANYONE ASKED TO SEE IT FROM OUR SIDE

I invite swat and other gov all the damn time to come and train like come on. Hell, you guys have an underground training center!  what do the criminals have weapons that it and by god were going to use them so don't come at me while being a hypocrite. 


I mean @ hannah yuki @ dpy @ nba ganggang were just that good hell just the core yukis 4 of us cause 20+ people to complain


Image result for anime evil laughing gif



You make the balance so unfair i mean we had to beg to have the nlr rule change for cops 


Its not like were a random gang were extremely organized. Im  more than willling to train the police department im mena i was military police 3p0x1 


besides my yukis are basically like this 

Image result for anime military police




look at the criminal post have you seen our accuracy



if staff dont appreciate me i always have the option to leave ever since I've come back I've felt nothing but negativity towards me from users and staff 


Edited by Steven King / Asuna Yuki



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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I may honestly just leave soon if this continues

SAME Makes me not even want to donate because of all the drama with management might as well take my money else were because obviously they dont care about it here or military veterans 



Now listen up, any skill that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Skill isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in our hearts are in perfect synchronization. To perform Yukis duties one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our skills will never progress.


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I’m sorry but this is getting out of hand swat thought ARU was to “OP” so we got nerfed and you got new guns because u complained so much I’m a former swat member and we used to work as a team and kick ass and we have normal weapons out our inv penguin and agree with me on that. It seems some people just can’t Handel and. Even fight swat want to bring waited gloves into the ring so to speak it’s even custom classes and special response units the main weapons the yukis use are awps which any1 can get novas swat gets the only gun that differs is an Negev wich isn’t very accurate anyway it’s even u guys just want to not be beaten ever and that just plain Old stupid!

thibk about things be fore u post them u want to pay 300bucks then after over a year of it being fine some one says ur weapons that u payed for are getting nerfed I think not!

Police RP Modderator





“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

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Steven we ant ever going to remove your class this is out of hand


Steven please come speak with Myself Snar and Toxic we need to figure out something so that way we are not fighting and I understand that SWAT should tell you that your class needs to be removed and I want to go over what you will say in the meeting 


@Steven King / Asuna Yuki



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