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Jetpack Fuel Cap


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What do you want to see?: a Fuel Cap limiting Jetpack flight to 15-20 seconds at a time, resetting every time you land.

Why should we add it?: This will benefit PVP on the server, as it currently stands you can hover at the top of the map using your jetpack indefinitely leading to PVP that is just plain not fun. There have been a multitude of occasions where Myself and Pyke have just abandoned objectives and fights due to individuals hovering sky high at the top of the map firing away with their weapons, There is really no easy way to counter this other then attempting to stun gun them out out shoot them which you are not able to do purely because they have all the mobility while the people on the ground have little to none. Having it anywhere from 15-20 seconds of flight will still allow Jetpacks to be fully usable and viable for any need you may have, It will simply balance combat out and make it more interesting for both parties.

What are the advantages of having this?: This will create a more balanced PVP and allow for actually fun fights rather then boring hovering at the top of the map fights and also add a sliver of realism and immersion by removing the ability to hover in the sky indefinitely.

Who is it mainly for?: Any Whitelist with a Jetpack and anyone being shot by someone with a Jetpack.

Pyke Boss Finnigan B Glorbnob Jr.

Pioneer of Pyke.

Pushing the Boundary on what's considered Roleplay Daily.

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I think this is a good suggestion as in it will make combat fair. I have been seeing some raids that people are using jetpacks and they can just float/hover above the air which I think some people don't like and makes combat so unfair and gives them a hard time.

image.png.75cee4f5e4cf991a6c61e20afba9a23f.png Pyke Soldier II                             

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Fairness? Balanced? its crazy how you can switch a few words around and this post would perfectly describe the T4, miserable to fight against and little to no counters yet it isn't being suggested for a nerf. Hovering in the air is one of the only counters to the T4. If the t4 continues to be a broken insta-kill weapon that's never fun to go against then its counter shouldn't be made "fun to play against" either.

Edited by RustyScythe
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personally -1 as pyke have the ability to spawn T4s as well as they can spawn vehicles such as Tanks, Flying vehicles, ATRTs and an assortment of black-market weaponry. As other battalions on the server have to train and figure out ways to combat these things that are considered OP to other I would suggest pyke do the same and train to figure out ways to combat things like that. Not everyone has T4s T7s A280s ATRTs tanks ships and speeders all in one or two jobs. 

Current ARCL COL Ordo N-11/056

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  • I find it kind of ironnic that the jetpack is to op but pykes at any point when they feel as if they are going to die spawn ARC-170s and fly away
  • There are also multitued of guns that pyke have suck as the T4 which does 50,000 damage and the T7  which does 800 damage
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If you don't use jetpacks we don't use T4's


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I aint calling anyone a liar per say but there is no way if we dont use jetpacks yall wont use t4's. I mean hey its a good strat and kills the Empire and I dont hate on that. But dont fuck over its only sort of counter

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I don't think y'all are listening to what I'm saying

Read the suggestion 

Edited by Imperial Goblin

                                                                                                                 Your One can Only

                                                                              Pyke Enforcer

                                                                          Pyke Expert Saboteur

                                                                         Purge HVY SGT [SS34]

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Personally a -1 if you want to have a nerfed version of the jetpack find a way to get jump packs added as lore wise out of the two jetpacks were built for and meant to last for hours of flight before refuel while jump packs were meant for short burst mobility. Also I see no reason as others have stated its practically the only counter to pyke using the T4. As it works the jetpacks are made to be able to provide efficient and long lasting mobility.

Also i understand you want it goblin but personally no it would ruin the experience of being able to fight against a horde of pyke using T4s [this has happened].


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The Jetpack is perfectly fine how it is, Gamemasters can Restrict it for there events if people abuse it and for the PVP Aspect is allows you to counter the weapons that Pyke and Criminals have access to. As well 15-20 Seconds then landing and it resetting is almost the same thing of what we have right now, you can use stun guns and explosives to counter the jetpacks easily and that's what majority of the people do. 

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

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Rusty/ Boss said exactly what I was thinking. Back in my day (god i sound old saying this) Pyke instead of complaining about a jetpack being too OP would instead pull out a different weapon other than a T4 EMP and shoot them down. 

- Support, just use a different weapon other than T4s to shoot people out of the air

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I fully agree with Rustime and Noshow on what they said about this topic. There is no reason to nerf something almost every battalion in the server has because one battalion has an issue fighting against it (It isn't that hard to fight against a jetpack) I will say the irony of it as Rusty said with Jetpacks and T-4s. There is no need to nerf the Jetpack, that's the bottom line. It's balanced as it is

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As many others have said if your using a T4 to fight a jetpack that's not the problem your using a 1 shot semi auto weapon against a person with a mobility item that's your own fault the pyke by default have a fully automatic weapon with good damage not to mention the black market and crafting weapons most pyke carry on them the BM Z6 would be the perfect counter to a jet pack Fast firing good damage and knock back throwing the person off and a very large magazine  


If your complaining about the jet pack users being to far away then most higher pykes have a sniper or other long range weapon or you can get one from the black market or crafting if your a lower pyke not to mention the lower pyke usaly have higher ranking pyke with then





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I completely agree with all the above comments. I see no benefit for PvP with it being nerfed. When floating in air you are a wide open target with no cover. T4 along with most rifles that can zoom it can easily fire at those open targets.





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