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Ability to drain Rations Meter


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What would you like to see:
I would like to see the ability to drain the rations bar as part of the ship info feature since Ammo can be drained by just shooting your weapon, and Fuel can be drained by Hyperspacing and Flying Ships (at-least to what I have heard)

In my eyes to how this would work would be similar to the sorts of how the maintenance panels work have interact-able panels in the Cantina that allows us to 'eat the rations' and it could either heal you for 10% of your health or give you 1.2x speed boost for a short duration and the cooldown between each rations interact would be 5-10 minutes so people can't just spam and drain the rations meter constantly and with each interact it would take about 50 - 100 rations each time from the meter.

How would it help the server and/or the player base:
If this were to get implemented I think I would overall give rations another reason to be ordered and something else that makes it important to keep on-top of, not to mention some certain roles like to eat and having this feature would not only create RP scenarios for those characters but also give RP for everyone during events or even passively during non-event hours to keep the rations up and could possibly create RP in the sense of "Save the Rations" etc.

Not to mention my current position (Ninth Sister) entails the jokes of being 'fat' and 'eats all the rations' and if this gets added I know I'll be able to use this feature and encourage others after me to use this feature as a way of RP and can inherently be able to turn into small passive or combat events. 

Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole:
I do believe it would honestly help the entire server to ensure that rations are kept up not just ammo and fuel but also allows for more RP and gives the server a unique insight curve on how RP would happen than others. And additionally could give GM's some passive/combat event ideas to use with this.


If more information needs to be discussed, feel free to contact me through Teamspeak or Discord

Edited by Cinder
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This would only add to the RP of the server and see the cantinas actually used for a change as well as create RP scenarios resolving around the rations, such as a mission we've had recently thanks to the Ninth Sister RP. Great suggestion.

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Current: Purge CPT | ST SPC
Former: Grand Inquisitor | Shadow Guard Lead | Sovereign Protector

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+/- Support

With current cooldown on Supply orders, Naval could not keep up with ordering rations.

If the cooldown would be shortened then a +Support

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