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Steve's Senior Gamemaster Application


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In-game name:


Current RP rank on StarWarsRP:
ISB:IA Captain, SF Sergeant

How long have you been Gamemaster:
I've been a gamemaster for over 2 months now.

Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if applicable):
That I did. A long, long time ago (1 month) it was a lovely morning for the people of GL on ImperialRP when Steve decided to host a fun flight sim. That morning, one of the AI ships had a nefarious plan. A plan to bug out in the teleporter and crash the server. The day after, Steve has been given a strike. What a sad day it was.

How much time do you have on the server?:
3 weeks of playtime and more given the fact that playtime has been wiped at one point and I used to play in the 2021-2022 era.

How well do you know the LORE?
I know it well enough to tell that the lore of this server is pretty inconsistent to the point of nobody knowing what year we are in. It'd be nice to get someone to finally straighten things up so we GMs can do lore events that accurately represent the timeline we are in. One thing is known, however, we are in the timeline before the battle of Yavin. For the Star Wars lore, I know some of the legends, the majority of the official cannon, and a lot of things from the Old Republic timeline.

Why do you WANT to become a Senior Gamemaster?:
Senior Gamemasters have access to tools that normal GMs must request authorization. And getting authorization for these every single time is pretty tiresome when you have a scheduled event to run in a couple of minutes. That and the freedom to produce quality over quantity when it comes to events. Events that are big and memorable instead of your good ol' "we are attacking your base". Additionally, I wouldn't mind helping out HGMs in terms of some administrative work within the GMs like doc work or just keeping tabs on what other GMs are doing. I think I'd like the job like this, but the main reason I want to be a GM is to be able to throw large events on a whim.

Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Game Master?:
Look, I know, I did crash the server that one time, but at the same time the LFS is buggy as it is and it was out of my control. However, I haven't received a single other strike for abusing my powers or stepping out of line where I shouldn't. I've been in the community for a solid few months and I think I've proven myself to not be a minge or someone with ill intentions. Although I cannot prove that I'd be a great SGM without actually getting the role and being tested, I did host a lot of events that I consider to be pretty good myself and the quality of them should speak more than what I can tell you with words here. A lot of people said I'd be great for the role and I'm here to take them up on that word and apply for the position. I saw that it hasn't been filled for a while and I was planning on applying after hosting my campaign, but then I realized it'd be better for me to apply beforehand so I have as little creative restrictions as possible to make my campaign very enjoyable.

Another thing is that I already have some important positions on the server. I still am in the ISB:IA and I don't plan on leaving any time soon so that should speak for my ability to restrain myself from doing stupid things. I was an officer in SF before transferring an an officer in DT before resigning. Either way, I was trusted enough to lead in those battalions so I think leading in GMs won't be any different. I realize it's an important position that I'm applying for, but I also do realize I meet the criteria. So, I'd be very grateful to be given a chance to prove myself.

Have you mastered ULX?:
Well, we are using SAM instead of ULX but these are close enough. Yes, I did figure out every single command a GM has under his/her disposal so I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of them.

Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?:
To be fair I haven't "officially" hosted a mega event, but all of my events aim to be as rich in content as possible and some would consider them mega. I didn't host an official mega event because the approval process can take a while and by the time it gets approved, I already have a better idea for something even cooler. All of my events follow a logical story, some are intertwined and the next series of events I'm working on will be a part of a fully-fledged campaign that I've been planning for a month or so. Planning a mega event isn't hard since all you have to do is write a pipeline of events that will occur while you host your stuff.

Give an example of a mega event: 

During a peaceful day on planet Anaxes, a faint sound of engines can be heard from a distance. The local populous started reporting sightings of aircraft they had never seen before. What mattered was that the aircraft wasn't Imperial. The Scout Troopers were notified and promptly sent out on recon to try and locate those ships if possible, identify them, and report back to command for further instructions. But all they'd hear from the scout troopers would be calls for backup.  An attack unit would be composed of many troopers of varying skills. That attack unit would be sent out on a mission to figure out what happened to the scout patrol.

Upon the journey deeper into the Anaxes, a pack of hostile wildlife would harass the troopers on the ground. Because the heavy vehicle's engines were loud, it disrupted the local ecosystem and alerted every aggressive creature nearby. The troopers would have to fend off hordes of aggressive beasts until they finally managed to get to their pre-planned camp position and set up the FOB.

Troopers would finally arrive at the last known location of the scout troopers. They'd only find their speeder bikes that had been sabotaged. Not far away, a cave would be found. Found by following a trail of blood leading straight to it. A cave too small to fit an entire tank in there. Tank troopers would be task with defending the entrance while the rest of the troops would follow in. Inside, they'd encounter some native fauna that would try to eat them alive. However, further down the cave, lights could be seen. With a few flashbangs, the troopers would make their way inside one of the cave chambers just to be met with a sight of a few Clone Commandos already in the position to gun down any individual ready to breach their perimeter. These people already made up their minds. They were ready to kill the Imperials and no one knew why. Flashbangs did little against their high-tech helmets and any trooper that entered after them would be shot at.

After the last Commando has been dealt with, an alert would ring out from the base. It seems like the tough expedition has been an elaborate plan to weaken the forces stationed at the Base while enemy forces attack it. Troopers would again have to move through the hard terrain as soon as possible and deal with any local fauna along the way. After arriving at the base, they'd find it taken over by enemies that had to be killed.

After clearing the base, everyone realized that the base commander had gone missing. It didn't take long to add 2 and 2 together so an attack unit was swiftly sent out to board one of the vessels in the low orbit. Rebels were preparing their hyperdrive to jump out of the sector, but due to our excellent Gunnery Officers, a well-aimed shot took out their drive. Upon boarding the vessel, troopers would have to fight their way to the bridge where they'd be met with the final and most difficult encounter - A squad of elite commandos. Upon successfully defeating them, the base commander would be rescued. However, the enemy leader would escape, using the chaos of battle to his advantage.

How active can you be:
I've been on the server almost every day since I returned so very.

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+Support HELL YES Steve is by far an Outstanding GM and is very active and thoughtful during his events he is also mindful what people want for an event and, what not to do as a Event Character Where other GMs Fail.

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Application Accepted.

Please reach out to a noshow5846 to get trained.

Welcome to the Gamemaster team.

Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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