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Good times

Luke II.

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Lots of factors affect things like popularity.

The things I can make an educated guess about is school, which I believe starts this Monday. Less free time. People also grow up to have more responsibilities, also meaning less time. People also get bored and decide to take a break and never come back. Cliques are a very real thing everywhere you go, so if one person dips out, other people do too. Seen it happen a lot. 

The things I can't speculate about are things such as staff or bad updates. I personally remember when I was playing DarkRP and the staff pushed out an update that broke things. It was only for about half a day, but that was the straw that broke the camel's back (never mind the abusive staff). Pop dipped to the low 10's and it just never recovered.

I try to keep my head down, so I haven't been ever in contact with moderation staff nor am I involved in drama, but I don't think we should be blind to it. There will be bad staff, and there is drama. Hopefully we can all be adults and move past it, but it seems like it's taking its toll - that's just my opinion though. The server still gets into the high 30's, low 40's on weekends and after COB.

What I can see that's good about this server is that it has a store where people pay money to support it, ensuring longevity. I don't think it'll go down anytime soon, and according to metrics we do get a small number of unique players everyday. Only thing that matters if they stay or not. Better yet, if they bring more people in.

Anyways, medical gaming.

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Just need to have faith and perseverance. The server will climb back to how it used to be.

Servers have rough spots and most of them completely die during them. The fact that this one has managed to stay up during every rough spot shows that it has great potential to climb back up the ranks.

It didn't help that we had some bad apples that came and ruined the server. Maybe if we had more marketing like youtube videos we may be able to rekindle the server.

| Admin | GMVI| DT SV02 |MC CPL ShadowYerah |Apprentice III ShadowYerah|

|SK ENG SGT Shadow 071|DT XY7|DT S71|Purge Yerah|DT SN03|Vick The Door Tech|


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And yeah the state that the server is in is actually so depressing especially considering the fact that the amount of content and stuff to do and RP opportunities are like 10000x better than in our day

Still remember when everyone used to complain over lack of updates and now there's so many updates but there's nobody to actually experience them

Wish the way the server is now was like it back in our day


I remember the top 5 days and all, when Inquisitorious had like 150 members and all, when the server was packed full 

Kashak, Gronk, Dank, Joint, Dimitiri, Jaeger, Valoons, Freedom, Fennec/Dragon, Vertigo, Azrael, Lucifer, you and so many more I miss

U probably won't see this but my god the good old days wish I could have em back

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